explosives attack on an Antifascist activist in Einbeck near Göttingen – a trail of blood leads the police to a Nazi-WG. On Friday, there was as an editor of a Demo against the Right.

An explosive device exploded in the home of a Antifa -an activist in the Einbeck near Göttingen The alleged perpetrator is a police known Right-wing extremist, A trail of blood leads the police to a Nazi -WG in lower Saxony

Update from Friday, 12.06.2020, 18.34 PM: a Peaceful Demonstration against Nazi-violence and ideology in the city of Einbeck (lower Saxony) took place on Friday afternoon.

+ On Friday, several hundred people against Nazi-violence and fascism demonstrated in Einbeck. ©Hubert Jelinek

Around 250 participants followed the call to the “pier” in Einbeck and the DGB. On the occasion of the explosives plot with a “Poland-firecrackers was” on the house of a Einbecker Antifa activist on Wednesday to go according to the police, on the account of a Neo-Nazi.

Göttingen: Nazi attack on Antifa-Aktivstin in lower Saxony: letter box explodes

first message of Friday, 12.06.2020, 14.34 PM: Göttingen – Nazis have committed in lower Saxony, a bomb attack on the house, and possibly also on the life of an Antifa activist. It hna.de* reported.

Göttingen: Nazis perpetrate the attack on Antifascist activist in lower Saxony

What happened? Tuesday Night, 3.50 PM. A loud Bang startled the inhabitants of the 30,000 residents of the city of Einbeck at Göttingen. Including a witness who saw two men running away. He immediately called the police. Driving to the crime scene and – in addition to the destroyed letter of the Antifa-activist – drops of blood box.

+ Nazi onslaught: In lower Saxony, an attack on an Antifascist and was a committed activist in Einbeck near Göttingen.©Bernd from Jutrczenka, dpa

The trail of blood lead the officers directly to the apartment of a city of well-known extreme Right-wing in the immediate vicinity. The man, the guardians of the law to meet promptly in front of the house with two other men, one of whom is the Hand fresh has connected. The Trio lives together under one roof, a Nazi-WG in the middle of lower Saxony .

Göttingen: attack on Antifa activist in lower Saxony, Nazi police is known

The injury to the Hand of the alleged explosives in the would-be assassin is so heavy that it delivers in a hospital. Against him and a 23-Year-old determined now the police and the public Prosecutor’s office .

Two paragraphs in the investigation into account, such as a senior Prosecutor Andreas Buick from Göttingen on demand hna.de* said. Check whether the establishment of a explosives cause Explosion has been infringed (Section 308 of the penal code). Should have been in jeopardy even the life of the Antifa-activist , you must expect the suspect to a custodial sentence of at least one year.

it Should have been a traditional firecrackers, so it must be the responsibility of the Nazi only because of damage to property (Section 303 penal code). This will be settled by the payment of a monetary penalty.

Göttingen: police find weapons in Nazi rent in Einbeck (lower Saxony)

specialist check now, what has led to the Explosion caused. The Nazi is on the loose. The 26-Year-old is well police. Against him a procedures for sedition . He should have posed with anti-Semitic clothes in front of the KZ-Gedenkstätte Moringen* (close Göttingen ) and the image in the network spread.

+ Clear edge: stop Nazis!©Stephanie Pilick, dpa

In the apartment of a third party, probably not in fact involved in the Nazi police found in a subsequent home search the following items:

a carbine, a short-barreled rifle, two blank firing pistols-15 cartridges of different calibers, a Mortar shell

The articles are now available in the state office of criminal investigation lower Saxony . The LKA is examining the extent with the damage inflicted could be. As of right now, the Mortar shell to be a dummy, should have stood in a display case. The lobster should be know at run to waste. May both of devotion are alien from the Nazi era .

Göttingen: Antifa-Demo after the Nazi attack in Einbeck (lower Saxony)

The lawyer Rasmus Kahlen wrote immediately after the explosive attack on the Antifa-activist* a press release. It States that parts of the letter-box had flown several feet through the living area. The 41-year-old woman from Einbeck (near Göttingen ) had been threatened in the past, on multiple occasions, lower Saxony, Nazi.

Breaking: On Friday, the 12. June 2020, is planned to be a manifestation of the Open anti-fascist meeting in Einbeck (OATE). The Demo runs under the Motto “human rights instead of the rights of the people” . The police has already announced plans to increase the “visible and tangible presence”. If Nazis from lower Saxony rotten together, to provide a counter-event on the legs, is not known.

also read: Quickly and usually without a fight: 75 years Ago, the war in lower Saxony* ended.

Matthias Hoffmann

*hna.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

section list image:©Hubert Jelinek