A true nightmare.

How can one describe the Betorder recent days, weeks and month for the UFC-star Walt Harris.

He has lost his 19-year-old stepdaughter after a long sequence, until the police on Monday found a corpse. Here was Harris’ worst fears were confirmed. The body was Aniah Blanchard.

Now open the UFC-a fighter with a heart-rending postings on Instagram.


“This pain is unbearable… I know that you want me to be strong, but it is so hard to tax, it is so hard,” writes Harris, among others in the cast.

the Body was found in a wooded area near Macon County, Alabama, and quickly confirmed the investigation, that it was about Aniah Blanchard, as Walt Harris and his wife Angela have wanted since the 23. October, when she disappeared mysteriously.

“I want to thank you for helping me change my life for the better… to teach me how to be a husband and a better father! For being my biggest fan, whether I win or lose, whether it ends up right! For always to know what you should say to put a smile on my face and lift me up when I have been down and would give up. You lit my world up in so many ways,” writes heartbroken Harris also in the cast.

The tragic incident has understandably left its clear traces of Harris, who has also changed his bio text on Instagram to “Fly high sweet baby girl” (Fly high sweet girl treasures, ed.).

Lately in his Instagram-lookup, which is accompanied by a picture of Walt Harris and Aniah Blanchard, when she was a little girl, he puts the vulnerability to the side and tells that he is confused.

“Right now, provides nothing makes sense, and I’m so lost. I just want you back. I hope I did you proud,” he writes.

“Dad just need time. I love you so much. Beware of us, as you always have done. We need you now, more than ever before. My mighty little tiger is an angel now. I love my girl treasures forever and always!”

the Two men, respectively, 30 and 35 years were arrested on Friday last week in the case. They were both then accused of the kidnapping of Aniah Blanchard. Police found the men, because a witness had seen one of the force the 19-year-old girl into a car at a gas station.