In April, the comedy show “LOL: Last One Laughing” will enter its fourth season. The responsible streaming service Amazon Prime Video has now announced the complete cast for the show presented by Michael “Bully” Herbig (54). Joko Winterscheidt (44) and Max Giermann (47) were not yet publicly known. The latter has been present in every season so far, twice as a participant, in the last edition as a special guest. Giermann was able to win the second season. For Winterscheidt, however, it is the first participation, his long-time moderation partner Klaas Heufer-Umlauf (39) already took part in the second season of the show.

Amazon Prime Video announced the eight other participants in a statement in September. Also present are Martina Hill (48), Cordula Stratmann (59), Moritz Bleibtreu (51), Hazel Brugger (29), Jan van Weyde (43), Elton (51), Michael Mittermeier (56) and Kurt Krömer (48 ). Like Giermann, Krömer is at the start for the third time, Hill and Brugger for the second time.

The principle of “LOL: Last One Laughing” remains the same in the new edition: for six hours, the comedians and celebrities locked in a room try to make each other laugh and thus get eliminated from the show. Guest stars also try to elicit a smile, a smile or a laugh from their opponents. Michael “Bully” Herbig monitors everything in his control room and – if necessary – activates the kick-out buzzer. The format will be broadcast in a total of six episodes.

The last person in the round can donate a sum of 50,000 euros to a good cause. In the first season, Torsten Sträter (56) won, in the second season – as already mentioned – Max Giermann. The winner of the last season was Anke Engelke (57). “LOL: Last One Laughing” is an adaptation of the original Japanese show “Hitoshi Matsumoto no suberanai hanashi” which has been on the air since 2004.