As assistant sports director expects Lars Bak to run andenbil, while he learns from the experienced colleagues.

There will be a gap year for Lars Bak, when he at the end of the year is no longer on the payroll as a cyclist on the World Tour-team NTT.

Bak continues as the assistant sports director of the team, which has been running under the name of Dimension Data in the past four seasons.

He is aware that he is in the first place becoming an apprentice.

– You probably should not count on to get the Tour de France and the greatest race to start with. I plan to run very andenbil and be a mentor and support for the riders.

– I will mark it on my way and see how they experienced sportsdirektører do it, says the Bak.

The former Danish champion in linjeløb and the time trial ran its last race as a professional in October, where he was number seven in Paris-Tours.

At that point, he knew that he would continue in the bicycle industry, but now the parties have agreed on a deal.

It is a bit of a shock to go from sitting on the saddle to sit behind the wheel, but it is also an advantage that one only just stopped.

– You’ve a great know-how in the field of gamete. Now I get to sit behind the wheel, and it will be fun to give his experience on to the young talented riders. It was an opportunity, I would like to try of. So we will have to see if I can find it.

Looking at the statistics, there is room for improvement in the south african World Tour-team.

With the Dimension of the Data-writing is on the chest the team have just downloaded seven wins in the professional race in 2019. It is tredjefærrest of any team in years.

But a good end to the season gives hope for 2020, according to Lars Bak.

– From the Tour de France ended and season out, we did actually pretty good results. And we scored many points.

– There were many new riders on the team, and we just had to find each other. I think we are starting to do. Now, there are then again a lot of riders into, but there are many young people from and many talented riders, ” says Bak.

In the next week, NTT training camp, where all new riders and staff can greet each other.
