She is more than 8,000 kilometers away. Nevertheless, there is a whiff of the familiar framework.

Althea Reinhardt has in Kumamoto got a very special visit.

Målvogterens father has travelled to Japan to follow Denmark, and we are not talking about a short visit, for he is in the japanese during the entire WORLD cup finals.

“It is super nice that he has had the opportunity to take down here. It just gives a sense of security, and so it is always nice, your family is here, so I can talk with him after the fighting,” said Althea Reinhardt, whose mother has been at home in Denmark with her two younger brothers.

It is not, however, because she has many off hours with his father. An international program is tightly packed, and therefore it will be only after the fighting, the two see each other and talk together.

“To live a little in a bubble. I want to see him, but you also want to be focused on the task. It is just great, he is awake at the same time as I am. So I can always just write to him. It just gives a peace and a reassurance to have him here,” says målvogteren.

When the father arrived, was also a surprise to both her and Mie Højlund.

For the two landsholdsspilleres mom was, they knew it, come together to make a pakkekalender to them.

Something, they were very happy when they are on the other side of the earth in december, where the most ‘christmas’, the team looks and get is in the form of the oppyntning.

“It means so much. You know how much thought there is behind it. It has taken a long time for them, and it’s really cool for one. When you are here, you can well live in a bubble, and a little forget the christmas spirit and the people at home. Every day just to get a reminder that they are there and support is really cool,” says Mie Højlund, sharing a room with just Althea Reinhardt.

“This is a super cute idea. You remember them right, every time you open a package for them. Although it Bahsine may not be the greatest thing, it means it’s just incredible,” says målvogteren.

The two are not only teammates on the national team, and in Odense, Handball.

They are also good friends outside the track, and they have previously told how much it means to have each other, for example to the finals.

Among other things because there is a time difference of eight hours for Denmark, and that the contact with friends and family, thus, is limited.

“We have not so many hours to do well with, before it is night and day. We, when to talk with them, and they are also good to just find the time, even though it is early in the morning for them,” says Mie Højlund, who, together with Althea Reinhardt every day looking forward to open a package.

the Girls reveals that, in the first saved a red hårelastik. Both the christmas and the Danish color.

And Althea Reinhardt comes with a very fast and clear answer, since she asked for, what she hopes, otherwise there hiding behind julepapiret.

“Candy! Lots of candy! There is not so much candy here in Japan, so I hope there is a little, you can eat,” she says with a big grin.

The position to share Mie Højlund, who even have a bit of a more specifically desired in the genre.

“Maybe something chocolate. It could be delicious,” she says.