mothers are recommended to breastfeed your Baby because breast milk is the Best and Breastfeeding is good for bonding. But what if there are difficulties?

It depends on the time. When it comes to the first few days, should mothers try to preserve only once to rest. It is normal that at the beginning of difficulties in breast-feeding. It is helpful to have a lactation consultant or the puerperium midwife consulted, can have a lot of experience in this field and good tips. It can take up to six weeks until Breastfeeding is fully established.

what time is in sight reaches for you as a lactation consultant, where you advise mothers not to breast-feed?

This time can only determine the mother herself. If she feels that she’s coming forces and nerves to their limits, I recommend you to set a time limit on how long you would like to try, if possible, under expert guidance – a good breastfeeding relationship. Problems such as inflamed, perhaps even bleeding nipples, recurrent milk, jams and a growing child should not be eliminate with the help of a specialist, it can be for the mother and the child is the more meaningful solution, the bottle switch.

If Breastfeeding doesn’t work

What are the Alternatives to Breastfeeding are there?

If you realize that you can breast-feed, but the milk is not sufficient, a combination of breast milk and Pre-milk is a good Alternative. Important the bottle buy is to pay attention to a vacuum cleaner, which is the chest is very similar, so that there is no suction confusion in the infant. There are now a whole series of good Formula Offered in the trade. In recent times it has added to the milk powder, so-called Human milk oligosaccharides, which are sugar molecules, which are also included in the mother’s milk and the development of the intestinal flora support. It’s enough to give the Baby in the first year of Pre-milk.

it Hurts the mother-child bond, when mothers give their babies the bottle instead of the breast?

not at All. If a mother is at the end of their forces, and each Feeding is not for you a Horror, because it is going to hurt her or the child is tired and cries, the bond between mother and child is not strengthened, but is rather at risk. In such a Situation, the child conveys an ambivalent message: It is allowed to the chest, but on the inside, the mother is switched to defence. If it goes over a long period of time, then the relationship suffers. Then I advise: Take your child lovingly in the Arm, look give him in the eyes, give him the bottle and enjoy the togetherness.

Breastfeeding doesn’t work: So the Partner can Encourage, help

and you support your wife in what she wants and needs and spoil you in the quiet moments, for example, by providing her a glass of water or a Cup of tea to the Sofa or in bed. You try to take the pressure and stand behind her. For the women, it is also important that your Partner to build up an intensive relationship with the child and show her that you accept part of the responsibility.

This article was written by Ruth Korte

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