The last few weeks, the fires on the east coast of Australia will on Friday, hundreds on the street in Sydney and several other cities.

Protesters on the street in the australian city of Sydney to draw attention to climate change and the consequences of the severe forest fires in the country.

Hundreds of aktiviser and pupils are on Friday local time accumulated in front of the conservative governing party and Liberal Party headquarters in Sydney.

It happens, while the city is shrouded in smoke from the fires on the australian east coast.

With the signs with the inscription: “In burning our future”.

the Demonstrations have flared up as a result of the fires, which in recent weeks has cost six people their lives and destroyed hundreds of homes.

Drought, strong winds and temperatures that are high for the season, has been to exacerbate the fires.

the Demonstrations are directed against the australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, who repeatedly rejected any link between the fires and climate change. At the same time, he has defended his support for the country’s coal industry.

– Our government’s lack of action on climate change has exacerbated bushbrandene, says Shiann Broderick, who is one of the organisers of the demonstration in Sydney.

– People are suffering. Communities like ours are getting destroyed. And summer has not even started yet.

Similar rallies are planned in several other australian cities, including Melbourne and Brisbane.

Australia has with its population of just 25 million, a low emission of greenhouse gases compared with the world’s largest emitters.

But, in turn, is Australia one of the countries in world that export the most coal.

– There is not in any way scientifically credible, that Australia is responsible for 1.3 percent Betxlarge of the emissions of greenhouse gases, may have done something that in any way directly would have affected the fires, said earlier this month from Scott Morrison.
