8.522 miles.

So far, the Danish national team traveled to get to the WORLD cup in Japan. Something that has created a special situation.

the Distance means that Klavs Bruun Jørgensen does not just may have flown additional players entering, if there be a need for it, and therefore he has from the start taken 18 with.

In the video at the top of the article you can hear the Danish toptræner Christian Dalmose assess Denmark’s chances at the WORLD cup.

It also means that there is going to go two players around, that do not come in action at the finals, and it is something that has required the preparation and handling in advance.

“to start with, it has been important to be very clear about what the role is. I think we have come well around. When we are down there, we know that they’ve got a difficult message, but it can be hard to go around and look,” says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

Along with the rest of the trænerteamet he will also do his, that the two players are going to feel like a part of the community.

Both by talking with them, but also run trips with them to, so they do not feel they must fit themselves. At the same time, they must also be prepared that the playing time will be very limited – if at all occurs.

A starting point, which requires a special mentality.

“It has also been a part of the consideration and the talk I have had with both players – especially with a type as Mia Rej (bagspiller from Copenhagen Handball, ed.), which is used to from the club to be extremely dominant both spillemæssigt and ledermæssigt. It just is a completely different role. Especially when she will probably have to sit outside. It takes a lot,” says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen, who also commends the 29-year-old actress, who he describes as ‘deep professional’ and with ben in the nose.

They will help her during the finals, but he also knows she can handle it.

“I have no doubt, though she occasionally will have it hard, she should probably get through it in a proper way. It must be the carrot for her, that she gets the opportunity to Milanobet play itself even closer, so when we come out on the other side of the WORLD, she is more ready to step into the squad again on more equal terms,” explains national coach.

it is important that the two, who goes next, understand that such are the terms. He has already tried to have players with that had a hard time accepting just the paragraph. Something, he to the degree will want to avoid, as it provides challenges.

“It’s not funny. I must spend way too much time to go and talk with them and to comfort. It is not, because I don’t, but we would rather spend the time on something else. If we can avoid much of it – there will always be a little – but the more we can avoid, the better,” says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

Something he also welcomes the fact is that he travels to Japan with a squad that is ready. Last year, it was a good deal of discussion on, among others, Stine Jørgensen’s knee, but the damage and talk about it is something, he, so far is got rid of in years.

“It is very quiet. It is no doubt about that,” says the national coach, who explains that it also means a lot of training.

It gives the players a better feel for each other, and they can give themselves fully and create some continuity. And even before he chose his national team, was one thing made clear. One could not in any case exercise all the passports, there was no ticket to Kumamoto.

“It’s just not healthy for a team, that we can’t be there all along. It gives unrest, and that has been the problem sometimes, is when you have players walking by the side of gardering, if the damaged not ready. It is a difficult situation to run around in. It has not made a difference with the results, but it has given undue turmoil and created extra work for me, who had not wanted to be there,” says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

Along with the rest of the national team, he traveled to Japan, where the upcoming finals, waiting. Initially, it is Australia the 30. november, and the subsequent waiting for south Korea, Germany, Brazil and France in the group stage.

Ends Denmark among the best of the three, go team, on to the mellemrunden, where it is likely to become Norway, Serbia and the Netherlands, waiting.

You can follow all matches LIVE here on bt.dk, and the first five from the group stage are all played at 12.30 local time.