She was the big topic of conversation after the triumph against France.

Sandra Toft. After another pragtpræstation. And it recognized Klavs Bruun Jørgensen particular also.

However, featured l. two other profiles, which he thought deserved as much praise.

“She is excellent, and it is she, because we have a good defense in front. Not that Sandra should not have much praise for it she must. She should really be put up on a pedestal today, but it is also because, there is a defense front that provides very good conditions. She is to self-determine, where the shoots come from,” said Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

And it was just here, he mentioned some others who also impressed.

“I think, to them around the Line Haugsted covers really well up. But Haugsted is absolutely wild. She moves absolutely fantastic and is good to respond to situations and makes it difficult for the attackers all the time,” said Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.

But the individual roses stopped certainly not here. For after having praised Line Haugsted he went on to another player in the squad.

“another, who really has steppet up, Mie Højlund. I think just as well, we can say now that she has got his international breakthrough. All of a sudden, we use her as a defender. I don’t believe it, she thought, as she took from home,” said the national coach, who among other things called fodarbejdet from Højlund ‘excellent’.

Additionally praised her for both give and take a beating, before he joined all the nice words to say that he is ‘incredibly proud’.

the Team had before the match the knife to the throat, as only a victory could be used. And therefore it was a happy coach, that after the showdown met the press with a beer in your hand.

“I have it completely amazing. It is just that here, we have regretted after. To hit one of the big team in an important match. It is important. It is not a big step, but a small step on the way in the right direction,” said the national coach.

His team will now play three matches more at this finals, where Norway, the Netherlands and Serbia awaits in mellemrunden. Already on Sunday we go against Norway with kick-off at 12.30. You can follow the draw LIVE here on