When he was seen the last time, he had confessed that it was him who had killed them. Now it turns out that it was some special words that led the police on the track of him.
according to a new documentary about the shook case, ‘Criminal Confessions’, writes news.com.au.
It was the 14. October last year, american Chris Watts was filmed by lokalmediet Denver7 out in front of his home in Colorado. With the arms crossed and held close to the body, he told his pregnant wife – Shanann and their two young daughters – four-year-old Bella and three-year-old Celeste – had disappeared the day before.
He said he wanted, they came safely home to him again.
“Shanann, Bella, Celeste: If you’re out there, then came home. If someone has you, then give them back to me. I need to see you all. The house is not the same without everyone here. Please bring them back,” said the 34-year-old man.
But his appearance in front of the tv camera had also aroused the wonder.
For he appeared without emotion. Cold.
And it got the police to look in his direction as the possible perpetrator.
the Spotlight began only to shine even more against him, when the police took him in for questioning and noticed that some of the words, Chris Watts used to describe his family.
He referred to them, namely all in the past tense.
Efterforskerene had tried to coax more information out of Chris Watts by showing him pictures of his pregnant wife and his two small girls.
And it was in this context, the red flag was hoisted, explains one of the investigators, and Tammy Lee from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, in the new documentary.
Chris Watts told the namely, to Celete ‘beloved’ a very special pair of shoes, and he also said that Bella was a real girl-girl’.
“If he hope and believe that they are still alive, why would you mention them in past tense,” ask Tammy Lee in the documentary, writes E! News.
The, which the police believed was a ‘slip of the tongue’, from Chris Watts side, led to the fact that he among others was asked to take a løgndetektortest to put him further under pressure.
at the same time, they found out that he had been having an affair with a colleague.
It all belonged to Chris Watts, two days later admitted what he had done. That he had killed his wife and his two daughters.
He explained that he wanted to go from his wife, but that she had confronted him with the fact that she knew he had seen another woman. According to Watts threatened her, that he might not see his daughters more.
Shanann buried in a hole near his workplace, and the girls ‘ corpses he had tried to hide in some storage tanks in the vicinity.
Chris Watts was later that year sentenced to five times life imprisonment for the murders of Shanann, the unborn child, and the two girls.