On the 19. July, the 21-time Grammy winner hosted his first campaign event. This will not take place in a place like New York City or Los Angeles, but in the small town of North Charleston, in the state of South Carolina.

Small Event, with only 500 guests

In contrast to his former Buddy, the US President Donald Trump (74), the musician, but at least a bit of caution. It is not an open Event, would be overflowing with Fans. Access to the Exquis Event Center is allowed only to registered guests. The wedding location is not particularly large. According to the information on the site, only 500 people in it.

As it is, wants to keep the musicians in addition to the Corona-protection measures. Its guests have to wear masks, the minimum distance store and a Covid-19-form.

Kanye West as a conservative, God-fearing candidate?

We are very looking forward to the first shots of the event. How to make the Rapper his election campaign? On what topics he focuses? How conservative or liberal it will occur?

To date, Kanye West has positioned itself as an extremely conservative candidate. In an Interview with the magazine “Forbes”, he turned to his Christian Faith clearly in focus. The polarizing icon of the Bible interprets literally, will women take the right to a self-determined abortion and to pray in the schools again. His favorite argument is that something is the “work of the devil” and just like Donald Trump-his statements are simply untrue.

Will support Kim Kardashian with him?

We look forward to know then, whether his wife Kim Kardashian (39) is him standing in front of the site. The I-actress and her hoard of sisters have acted so far conspicuously quiet in terms of Kanye’s candidacy. This raised, of course, seems that you have not thought through the plans for all that advisable to keep.

But we will see. Perhaps the charismatic Kanye West thrilled the crowds. Maybe Kim Kardashian is the proud partner at his side. In the USA, the Land of unlimited possibilities, anything is possible.

source: instagram.com

This article was written by klatsch-tratsch.de

*The post “Kanye West organised there his first election campaign-Show” will be released by klatsch-tratsch.de. Contact with the executives here.
