The democratic senator from California Kamala Harris, giving up the attempt to become AMERICA’s next president.

It is bad polls, the turmoil in her kampagnegruppe and problems with collecting money for campaigning, which has led to the decision.

‘I’ve taken stock matadorbet of it from all angles, and over the past few days I have come to one of the hardest decisions in my life,’ says the 55-year-old politician.

‘My presidential campaign simply do not have the financial resources we need to continue,’ she explains in an e-mail.

Harris, who has an indian mother and a jamaican father, came otherwise to a good start, when she launched her campaign in January. In one of the first præsidentdebatter scored she points to reprimand former vice president Joe Biden on the colored terms.

But in recent months it has gone down. According to election experts because she did not presented a clear political vision.
