It was his big dream: After his father Costa Cordalis, who won the first German jungle camp in 2004, his son Lucas also wanted to be crowned king of the jungle. A bold dream, for which Daniela Katzenberger’s husband did little over the course of the two weeks in Australia, but was apparently able to mobilize enough callers: As the evaluations of the callers, which RTL made public on Monday, show, the 55-year-old was at times in the favor of the spectators in front of the winner Djamila Rowe. Last Thursday, three days before the final, Lucas Cordalis looked like the sure winner: 29.71 percent of the callers voted for the pop singer – while Djamila was ranked second with 15.82 percent.
But already on Friday the East Berliner restored the old order. Because in week two she was almost always in front. Rowe was number 1 on seven out of nine days. Cordalis was only able to win the favor of the viewers twice. All other participants played no role in the awarding of the jungle crown.
When it came to the home stretch, the spectators left no doubt who they saw ahead of the award of the jungle crown: On Friday, Djamila was ahead of Lucas with 33.96 percent to 19.75 percent. He seemed to have missed it now with many viewers. Because in the semi-finals on Saturday he only ranked 3rd, Gigi Birofio had pushed ahead of him.
This order also prevailed on Sunday evening: Lucas Cordalis was the first to leave the final show. Only 18.70 percent of the callers wanted to see him as the king of the jungle. So in the end only Djamila and Gigi were left. This choice was clear: 62.26 percent chose the 55-year-old for the jungle throne. A clear vote. So nothing stood in the way of Queen Djamila’s freestyle.
Source used: RTL