The celebrities inspire on the red carpet. The 79th Venice Film Festival opened on Wednesday evening. Stars like Greta Gerwig (39), Adam Driver (38) and Hillary Clinton (74) were there. Actress Julianne Moore (61) also appeared at the premiere of the film “White Noise” at the Palazzo del Cinema. All eyes were on the 61-year-old.

The ‘Still Alice’ actress appeared in a glittery sheer dress with a matching cape. Underneath she wore a black body. The sparkling sequin appliqués on the dress and cape were reminiscent of fireworks. Moore combined the look with eye-catching earrings, a bracelet and large rings. The outfit was rounded off with black platform heels.

“White Noise” star Driver chose a classic black suit for his red carpet appearance and paired it with a white shirt and bow tie. Co-star Greta Gerwig appeared in a floor-length black gown made from flowy fabric. She also wore an eye-catching necklace with gemstones.