the Election ends all the talk about the new british referendum. We leave the EU 31. January, said Johnson in the victory statement.

Prime minister, Boris Johnson, says after a big victory for The Conservatives in the british elections, that the country leaving the UNION no later than the 31. January.

– I will put an end to all the nonsense, and we will get brexit done on time 31. January – no if’s, but’s or maybe’s, he says to the enthusiastic supporters on Friday morning.

Johnson promises that he has not forgotten his promise to strengthen the public health care system in the united kingdom, known as the NHS.

He says that he is humbled that so many have chosen to vote for The Conservative Party.

– And I will never take your support for granted, says.

He joins with to make a paraphrase of his “get brexit done” with a “let’s get breakfast done”. Breakfast is waiting.
