the Plan is clear from Boris Johnson: the first brexit, then the trade agreement. This he repeated in the tv-duel with the Labour leader.

the Uk have the time to enter into trade agreements with both the EU and the individual countries, according to the british after the prime minister Boris Johnson’s plan leaves the union 31. January.

It struck Johnson stuck in a valgdebat on the BBC Friday evening with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

– We have plenty of time to go out and build new partnerships on trade, not just with the EU, but also elsewhere in the world, said Johnson.

Corbyn and Labour halser in the polls and was thus under pressure to deliver in the debate, which was the last between the two before the british go to the polls 12. december.

He shot again against Johnson’s claim that there is a fine time.

the Labour leader pointed out that it will take the government seven years to negotiate a trade agreement in place with the UNITED states.

He called Johnson’s promises of brexit for fraud and predicts “years of painful negotiations and broken promises”, if Johnson gets his plan implemented.

Johnson renegotiated new terms with the EU in October.

He has promised many times that brexit will happen with him at the helm and have made the “get brexit done” to a slogan, among other things, caters to the Labour support, which is backed up on a brexit and now want it over and done with.

He has several times announced that if he regains power, he will make sure that brexit will take place no later than 31. January.

And so he did again in the debate on Friday night.

in turn, stood Corbyn and waved to leaked government documents, from a confidential report on the brexit. They were published earlier Friday by Corbyn itself.

the Report shows according to Corbyn, there will be established customs control between northern Ireland and the rest of the Uk, after the british have left the EU. This is in direct contradiction with Johnson’s earlier reports that brexit will not create new barriers.

– What about the prime minister show a degree of honesty about the agreements, in reality he has with northern Ireland, said Corbyn.

– It’s all about transparency.

Johnson called for the return of the documents, the “complete nonsense”, and his kampagnehold believe that the prime minister did Corbyns attack just fine.

A measurement carried out by YouGov shortly after the debate, according to the BBC, that Johnson fared marginally better than Corbyn.

the prime minister made it according to 52 percent of the respondents it is best, while 48 percent pointed to Corbyn.
