The thriller series “The Tourist – Duell im Outback” is entering its second season. According to media reports, the BBC has given the green light to a second round. Main actor Jamie Dornan (40) returns just like his colleague Danielle Macdonald (31). “I’m really looking forward to continuing the story of ‘The Tourist’,” the “Fifty Shades” star is quoted as saying.

The first season told the story of a man who is pushed off the road by a truck in the Australian outback with a lot of grotesque humor. He wakes up in the hospital with no memory of his past. With the help of the young detective Helen Chambers (Danielle Macdonald) and the mysterious Luci (Shalom Brune-Franklin, 28), he sets out to find his identity – pursued by a hitman.

In the second season, the man named Elliot explores his roots in Ireland. “I can’t wait to see how well Ireland and its people are used to keep viewers engaged as the story unfolds,” says Dornan. The actor was born in Northern Ireland.

“The Tourist” started in January 2022 on the British broadcaster BBC One. It was the most-watched series there that month. In Germany, the thriller was shown on ZDF in August 2022. The Mainz broadcaster also co-produced the series.