The iranian president has presented the draft state budget, which focuses on to resist the U.S. sanctions.

The iranian president, Hassan Rouhani, has on Sunday presented a draft budget of around 39 billion u.s. dollars or good 265 billion.

the Budget that has been presented to the iranian parliament, is designed to withstand u.s. sanctions by reducing the dependence on oil exports.

Just Iran’s dependence on its vast oil exports have been targeted with US sanctions, writes the news agency Reuters.

The us president, Donald Trump, withdrew last year the UNITED states out of a multilateral atomaftale with Iran and the reintroduction of the sanctions against Iran, where the focus has been on the very important oil industry.

– This is a budget to resist the sanctions, ( … ), with the least possible dependence on oil, says Hassan Rouhani to the parliament, according to iranian state tv, writes Reuters.

the Draft state budget, which, according to the president himself have a value of around 39 billion u.s. dollars, will have to apply for the next financial year, which has its start in march.

According to the AFP news agency comes to the presidential draft budget shortly after that, there has been introduced the increase in fuel prices in Iran.

the Measure must be seen in light of the fact that the iranian economy has been adversely affected by the u.s. sanctions, and therefore samples the iranian government to correct the economy by introducing higher fuel prices.

The iranian population, however, has far from welcomed the price increases, and in several places, there have been demonstrations against the measure.

In connection with the presentation of the draft the next state budget, the iranian president told that the public sector can look forward to a salary increase of 15 percent.
