After 18 years, said goodbye to Frederik Roeder (CSU) as mayor of Alling. In a newspaper Interview, he looks back.

Alling/Emmering–When the waitress hears that the two masked guests are you, asks you a question in the attendance list. In Corona times, you never know. She didn’t Allings beer garden, recognized former mayor, apparently, but the conversation took place a few miles from Frederik Röders home community – in a Emmer Inger. There, at a table a bit away, was the former city hall chief then without mouth protection, information about his 18-year tenure and the first experiences in retirement.

Mr Röder, as the rest feels to stand?

Unusual, but quite good.

What is good about it?

That is not in the tight schedule, that has time for things that you have pushed otherwise way. I’ve actually re-read a book, the long is located.


By Robotham, who writes crime novels with a detective Ruiz and a psychologist. Very exciting.

sometimes they Go by Mistake to the town hall?

no. I’m glad, however, that I’m to drink coffee invited. Mr Joachim Thaler (Anm. d. Red. Stefan Joachim Thaler is Röders successor). But, I have promised that I as a retiree of the former employees of the visits.

nothing do you?

There is nothing from me, actually. It is also the fact that I have the Amper Association and the district Council am. I am therefore of clamped well.

How long do you still have the Amper Association presidency?

Up to late summer. In September, the Assembly is.

what is your balance after 18 years in office?

It happened surprisingly a lot. I from the city hall colleagues, a photo book with 18 years of hindsight. I was surprised at how much you can move, if you have a good team behind. That was for a stripped-down farewell ceremony in the house of a citizen, with distance and delivered Pizza.

What have you achieved, what is completed?

childcare with nursery and Hort, the restructuring of the building yard, which amounts to Complete. It was not the case before. The club house and the fire house in Biburg. And I claim, through the valley of tears, went to be with the issue of water supply. To have a time when it was not many wanted to hear, give I pure wine, and said, we need to invest.

Where have you failed?

Upon accession for the purpose Association for water supply of the Amper group (WCL). I was unable to achieve. And the rehabilitation of the roads is also finished.

you can rush anything, but was trying WVA-accession?

It was meant to be easy, but I didn’t count with the political opposition. I was not prepared as on other issues accordingly.

The climate in the municipal Council was not always the Best. You’ve had your share of it?

I haven’t felt that way before. There were phases in which it was difficult. In the last year and a half, it was difficult between Röder and Schröder. But even between Röder and Friedl, it has become increasingly sober. It has also maintained the rituals to the outside. Internally, when I look at the city-Council exams, there has been quite constructive results.

you could Have in the personal handling something differently?

no. I’ve always tried to maintain a fair and factual style. I don’t know how I would have to tackle.

your age counterparty Hans Friedl is now a Second mayor. A right decision?

In any case, it is also a good decision for Alling. The pacification between the CSU and the Free voters is well on the way. I think that Hans Friedl will be a good Second mayor.

her successor and party colleague Stefan Joachimsthaler has also advertised with the Slogan “No more so”. Doesn’t sound like a compliment to you.

I’m also a little surprised about the Slogan. I don’t think, however, that it was personally meant, we have a good relationship. After 18 years, it automatically brings a new beginning. I have 2001 also said, this and that you have to do differently, but the relationship to Eberhard Boerboom was good.

The last one and a half years of their term of office were overshadowed a bit. Your Vice is leaving the CSU, accuses you of bullying and establishes a separate group of voters. Had it come to this?

If it was necessary, I do not know. But after he has filed a claim to leadership, he doesn’t state that caused the differences in opinion. We cannot defeat each other because they were both certainly involved in it. But I think, for the CSU it was quite a healing process of renewal. Nevertheless, one would have liked to have a seat.

their long-standing right-Hand man in city hall has displayed even.

The complaint has been rejected by the local Supervisory authority. At the Prosecutor’s office I’m waiting on a setting of the procedure, because no clues were there.

there Is a Röder, the Public does not know? Not only polite and friendly?

no, I don’t think so. Otherwise, I would not have been elected in the district Council, acting unanimously, to the Personnel officer. I don’t think I’m outwardly Charming and inwardly of the treads. Overall, I think I had a fair leadership style.


Yes, except in the case of my wife.

today, you Are also relieved?

Yes, but this is due to the age that is impatient. In politics, some of it is not would be so easy to implement how you like it. But not foreign to a certain date planning is a luxury that I enjoy.

What is the pensioners Röder power?

I will certainly be in the CSU-district group more active, I’m also the Vice-Chairman. And then the topic of the seminar design. I held my first Webinar, an introduction course for new mayors and local councils, with over 100 participants. And travel I would like to again and be a bit more cultural events to visit.

And all to the Garda pull?

no. We are currently renovating home. I’m glad to be on vacation, but not forever.