Inka Bause (55) has been known as TV Cupid for many years. She has always attended bride and groom shows for farmers in the RTL format “Bauer sucht Frau”. She can currently be seen again in the spin-off “Bauer sucht Frau International”. But she has been single for many years – and she is happy with that, as she tells the “Bild” newspaper. The presenter and singer has not had a permanent partner for 15 years.

“No one wants to believe me that my life is completely fulfilled, happy and complete even without a husband,” says Bause. The presenter has achieved everything she once set out to do in her life “as a young woman”: “I had a great love for 18 years […], I have a wonderful daughter, friends, family, my dogs.” Therefore, the 55-year-old can “now sit back, relax and enjoy everything that may come next.”

Bause’s daughter Anneli comes from her marriage to the late Hendrik Bruch (1962-2016). On Instagram, the TV presenter repeatedly shows how she enjoys life – whether with Anneli at lunch, with her dog Eddi or in the studio.

Bause believes that the fact that others believed that she could not be happy without a partner is outdated. “It’s a very old-fashioned and cliched view that a woman over 50 must be missing something if she hasn’t had a husband for a long time,” is her opinion. Men didn’t want to hear that because they needed women much more than the other way around. And if she no longer has a man at her side in the future, it wouldn’t make her “life any worse.” She would be happy to forego “lazy compromises”.

The next episode of “Bauer sucht Frau International” can be seen on RTL on April 23rd from 8:15 p.m. and via RTL.