“gut feeling is extremely important!”, Investor, Dagmar Wöhrl, said in the opening episode to the new season of the VOX-founder-Show “die höhle der Löwen”. And the gut feeling of the 66-Jährigeb granted to an applicant to a collection, even though you have the featured product is “joy made”. He had kicked with his behavior in and Out while another candidate convinced all along the line. So much So that it came to a sensational offer!

TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius tele show

But from the front With Nico Rosberg (35) came a fresh Wind in the “lion”locking, where each presentation is only five of a total of seven “lions” are present, so that he was not to be seen in everyone. The Ex-formula 1 world champion is particularly interested in sustainability issues, which is why Michael Masnitza (27) and Tobias Wagner (27) put great hope in him. The latter lived for one year full-time in an electric Bus and the Recharging of electric vehicles, including the invention of the two: ChargeX, a modular charging system that works like a power strip, and the delayed Loading of up to eight vehicles and allows turning.

TVNOW / Stefan Gregorowius Teleschau

All the “lions” were very pleased, but three of them – Judith Williams (48), Ralf Dümmel (53), and Dagmar Wöhrl – thought of themselves as investors to be unsuitable. Carsten Maschmeyer (61) and Nico Rosberg came violently into the Brood, said, however, since many of the components appeared to be uncertain, about the only requested but not yet granted Patent.

TVNOW / Bernd-Michael Maurer Teleschau Traitorous eye contact: Dagmar Wöhrl is increasing offended from

Also with a lot of praise, but without a Deal home Hongmei “Ivy” Zhang and Kevin brueck with Yumbau, which had landed while studying at the TU Munich, became friends, and Zhang himself wanted to went-made Dim Sum (Chinese dumplings) as a natural Convenience Food without artificial additives people bring. The six varieties was the “lion” in great enthusiasm. “Tastes great!” praised about Dümmel. To invest solely in the highly competitive frozen food market, was all too risky.

Like Wöhrl, as well as Nils Glagau (45) and Judith Williams would have invested in flapgrip, a versatile Smartphone mount that underestimated her colleague, Williams initially had. Unlike Philip Deml (29) have sought the Co-founder of Cem Dogan (24), only in contact with the Eyes Dümmel, what was Wöhrl upset conclude: “For Cem, the lion is.” For a collaboration, but you need people who are fully behind her. Good Intuition: in fact, the two young entrepreneurs had favored from the beginning Dümmel, the 25 percent companies eventually got for EUR 125,000 shares.

Also the Deal it came in for Manuel Kössl (37) and David Krusch (25), the GRPS height-adjustable Football cleats were developed, which adapt to the ground conditions and, unlike competitors, do not wear out. First of all, the founders did not want to abandon its demand for “Euro 85,000 for 10 percent shares in the company”, what Investor Glagau, “found something weird” and “for the work that you see in a lion, is also not justified.” – “This is really the cave of the lion”, noted the founder, and finally agreed with Glagau to 19 percent.

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Wow a very EXCITING NIGHT lies ahead. tonight at 8 pm on VOX. this is going to be a huge milestone for all of us today. we’ll have the amazing opportunity to introduce gitti-to-the-lions and millions of viewers. in April 2019, we launched our first collection and since then we’ve been on an incredible journey. this would not have been possible without you. we are so incredibly thankful that you, yes exactly you reading this right now, are supporting us day by day. THANK YOU! who’s going to virtually share the screen with us? see you all later. © TVNOW / Bernd-Michael Maurer @tvnow.de @vox

shared A post by gitti (@gitti beauty) on Aug 31, 2020 3:10 PM PDT

TVNOW / Bernd-Michael Maurer tele show That there has never been in “the cave of The lion”

Not to act, however, Jennifer tree Minkus (35). You managed to do something Unprecedented: All of the investors were individual commandments, full of enthusiasm on your offer – “300,000 euros for 8 percent of the shares”. Convinced she had not “based with passion, competence and your product, gitti, which she had named after her Mama: water, vegan nail color that you called aware of paint”. As with conventional products, it has not except for the purpose of a lot in common.

when you Open the bottle, you noticed the difference: “No acrid smell any more,” was Georg Kofler, stunned. The South Tyrolean sensed Large: “I see a world brand!” And not only he. “I think it’s world class! You are an absolute founder-dream!”, cheered Carsten Maschmeyer.

“Jenni, if you think you are, my heart is pounding, you can believe me, my heart beat all the more,” confessed Williams, and pondered aloud, “how can I sell myself better to you.” As a Beauty expert, you had good cards and eventually got the contract. In addition, tree-Minkus offered the remaining lions for 50,000 Euro is still a “Ticket” on the same measurement basis (i.e. 1.33%). Wöhrl struck, and the three ladies fell exulting in the arms.

TVNOW / Bernd-Michael Maurer tele show

*The post “”I see a world brand”: “cave of the lion”-investors by surprise founder with record” are published by tele look. Contact with the executives here.

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