In February, many onlookers are drawn to Yosemite National Park in California. In addition to the beautiful nature and unique landscape, there is a special natural phenomenon to see at this time of year. Horsetail Fall, a 1,500-foot waterfall, morphs and becomes a fire fall.

If the weather conditions are right, the waterfall glows in orange tones at sunset. Not only does the sky have to be clear and free of clouds, but the light has to hit the water at exactly the right angle. The perfect conditions exist for a few days, usually mid to late February. In addition, the waterfall must be large enough. This means there must be enough snow on the surrounding mountains to melt at high enough temperatures to allow the waterfall to grow.

If all these factors are given, the spectacle can last up to ten minutes. It is best for visitors to position themselves on the eastern edge of the El Capitan ledge, from which the waterfall plunges. According to Yosemite National Park, stop at the Yosemite Falls parking lot and walk about 1.2 miles to the viewing area near the picnic area. Parking will be restricted in some areas at this time. Warm clothing and a headlamp are recommended.

When photographer Galen Rowell took the first photo of the “Firefall” in 1973, it triggered a wave of enthusiasm – and many tourists were the result. In order to cope with this, reservations are compulsory for the weekends from February 10 this year, according to the website. There is never a guarantee that you will see the “flowing fire”. But once in front of the lens, grandiose pictures are guaranteed.