After the custom spread across Germany beyond northern Germany, it has a different name (depending on the federal state): While the term “pull party” became established in Berlin and Brandenburg, the tradition in North Rhine-Westphalia is better known as ” Baby beer” or “Pee party”. In northern Hesse, on the other hand, the custom is called “Pullerschnaps”, although the term “baby pee” is probably the most well-known in this country. But no matter how many names there are for this tradition – the meaning remains the same. You can find out exactly which ones here.

The term was invented at a time when it was still customary to bring your child into the world at home: while the mother was still recovering from the hardships of childbirth, the father was already drumming up relatives, friends and neighbors – to do it welcome new family members. And now comes the real reason why this tradition was called a puller party: the still naked baby was passed around so that all guests could examine the newborn. If someone was accidentally peed on, that person would experience lifelong happiness.

And that’s not all: Even then, births were celebrated with mostly alcoholic beverages. The traditional drink should symbolically help the baby to urinate – so that it does not suffer any pain. Apart from that, the guests also have to “pee” one or the other time during the celebratory baby pee. The name of the custom spread across large parts of the country after it originated in northern Germany and is still used in many households today. Only now most women are resting in the hospital and the puller party is at home with no baby.

It’s now even common practice for the mother to be present at the traditional baby pee – even if the celebration is primarily about the new father (and for the women a separate baby shower was often thrown by their friends before the birth ). Nevertheless, it is much more exciting for friends, neighbors and relatives when they can see and admire the newborn in person. It is therefore permissible to break with tradition and celebrate the puller party a few days after the birth, when mother and child have arrived home.

Since the traditional puller party is thrown for the father, there are a few customs for men that have prevailed over time. The three most well-known are:

In many places it is customary for the guests to smoke a cigar with the new father – preferably on the balcony or in front of the front door, so as not to pollute the apartment with bad air when the baby arrives.

It is also traditional to add small accessories to the alcoholic beverages that the father is given when the baby pees, such as a pacifier or a pacifier chain, baby socks or diapers.

The traditional puller party usually takes place quite spontaneously, as the father-to-be cannot really plan in advance or invite his friends and relatives to a specific day. Therefore, it is actually not usual or even not a requirement to bring a small gift with you. Nevertheless, many ask themselves: What do you give for a birth? In case you are looking for a suitable gift, you can be inspired by the following ideas:

a diaper cake consisting of care items for the baby

a mobile for calming down and as a sleeping aid

a dummy chain for the stroller

a handrim to promote motor skills

a photo album for the first memories of the baby

a giraffe as a pacifier and teething aid

a grasping toy set in the form of a tool

a washcloth that looks like an animal

a rag doll to cuddle with

an impression kit for baby hands and feet

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