In Ulla Hahn’s autobiographical novel “game time” is there a love scene, which remains chaste, because she is so political. Hugo reads bleak, cruel lines: “You mock me in all the Newspapers. / Armored cars surrounded me, guns pointed at me, / of electrically charged barbed wire includes me.” The voice, who sings to the strokes of the Narrator over the forehead and through the hair, kiss your neck, holding you. It’s not the seal, the can, but the poetic utopia is: “The people, which is yet to be born, / our people, / will celebrate a great Feast.”

These verses written by Ernesto Cardenal, a Catholic priest who was completely out of this world, a monk, told in detail of his love stories, a Minister, who knelt before the Pope and in front of the camera from him, according to has fixes, one of the most popular Poets of the 20th century. Century, and is almost a parable for the ongoing disaster in Latin America.

He was also uninhibited love

Cardenal came in 1925 in an upper-middle class Nicaraguan family, was able to study at Columbia University in New York and became acquainted with the poems of the Rhapsoden Walt Whitman. He saw first of all the elegiac poets called, but not to let the political situation. When his last love was loaded with a other married and a large Relative, the dictator Anastasio Somoza, as best man, went Cardenal in a convent, and was looked after by the mystic Thomas Merton in Gethsemani, Kentucky, Trappist. The Writing of poems was banned there, but he was allowed to keep a diary and make notes as to which, later, his famous “Psalms” were.

Like nearly of the same age, Argentine doctor Ernesto Guevara Cardenal saw the salvation of dictators and North American groups dominated peoples of Latin America to communism. Since he cancelled the girl, and the entrance to the monastery, for God had chosen, he read the four Gospels as a Communist Manifestos and harbored the desperate hope of the Kingdom of God would be in a urkommunist, so biblical this happen for us.

“you were hungry for love and we offered her tranquilizers.
Against the sadness that we are not Holy,
it is recommended that your psycho-analysis.”
From: “prayer for Marilyn Monroe”, Ernesto Cardenal

In the Sandinista Revolution, the Regime of the family was overthrown Somoza. The new Caudillo, Daniel Ortega, made Cardenal the Minister of culture, traveled as a recruiter for the government of the world. His beret was almost as popular as the Che Guevara, and other than at the time in the Bolivian jungle, it seemed that the time for the Feast to come. Left like Bernie Sanders drove thrilled to Managua, the United States fought the Revolution, with proven brutality, and John Paul II suspended Cardenal of his priesthood. He remained a Poet. So leitartikelig it in his songs often approached, he was able to unrestrained love, as in his “prayer for Marilyn Monroe”: “you are starved for love and we offered her tranquilizers. / Against the sadness that we are not Holy, / recommended to their psycho-analysis.”

From the Nicaraguan hope has long since become a new dictatorship. After all, the present Pope, a legacy of liberation theology, Cardenal has played in the priesthood. The poor are still poor, the great has been so often predicted. Ernesto Cardenal has not experienced it. On Sunday he died at the age of 95 years in Managua.

Created: 03.03.2020, 10:33 PM