In 2012, admitted that the then-29-year-old George Zimmerman, that he had killed the teenager Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

As a self-proclaimed neighborhood-watchman in Stanford, Florida, the suspect George Zimmerman supposedly the black teen to commit burglary. At a trial in Florida was George Zimmerman acquitted of murder.

Now the plaintiff the killer Trayvon Martin’s parents to get 100 million dollars (670 million dollars) in compensation.

According to George Zimmermans attorney Larry Klayman broke Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton to the law when they agreed to let the son’s girlfriend Rachel Jeantel testify in the murder case against George Zimmerman.

According to Larry Klayman was Rachel Jeantel namely, not Trayvon Martin’s girlfriend.

The real girlfriend Diamond Eugene was reportedly so nervous that she did not dare to appear in court.

Therefore, the learned Rachel Jeantel his half-sister, Diamond Eugene the testimony by heart. And while the cameras rolled, and all sorts of media came with, told Diamond Eugene, how she had been on the phone with ‘the boyfriend’ Trayvon Martin.

With tears in her eyes told Diamond Eugene, that she first heard George Zimmerman ask ‘what do you here’. Ago, she could hear a scuffle. And the conversation ended allegedly with Trayvon Martin’s death.

in response to the attention-grabbing action, writes Martin Family attorney Ben Crump:

“This is just another shameless attempt to score money from others’ grief. He (Zimmerman, ed.) are only interested in themselves. He will score money on its own cruel deeds, which have already destroyed so many lives.”

According to the newspaper USA Today had George Zimmermans lawyer Larry Klayman planned to publish the proceedings against Trayvon Martin’s parents alongside a documentary entitled ‘The Trayvon Martin Hoax’ (Trayvor Martin-fupnummeret).

But after numerous protests in the media and on the sociae media is both the press conference and the movie launch has been postponed indefinitely. The action continues.