The sun is not shining, in the sky, a single cloud is to be seen. A man with grey hair and a olive green Polo shirt sitting on the beach of an island, it’s a clip from a Hollywood could be-strip. “I started in 1999 to work on the island until the end of 2005, beginning of 2006,” he says. The man’s name is Steve Scully, and is one of the Ex-employees of a multi-millionaire Jeffrey Epstein, the man who many underage girls are sexually abused should have.

In the Netflix documentary “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich”, which is published today, Wednesday, and with the sex crimes of the entrepreneur employs, occurs Scully as a key witness in the case. He not only reports of the many young girls who have had Epstein on his private island, Little Saint James in the Caribbean to host. With some of the statements Scully charged the British heir to the throne Prince Andrew. He says: “Jeffrey hung with many powerful and well-known personalities, politically as well as financially. Also with the British Royal house.” dpa/Stratenschulte/New York State Jeffrey Epstein (left), Prince Andrew (R)

Scully about Prince Andrew: “He’s got you Packed and on your grated”

The statements that Epstein’s former employee in the Netflix documentary makes, are spicy. “I think it was in 2004, when I first saw Prince Andrew. He was at the Pool and with a to me unknown girl,” he says. And adds: “she was young, she had no shell.” Scully’s opinion, the two were just the prelude, “he has you Packed and on your rubbed,” he says. Scully showed up in an Interview with “the Sun,” convinced that it was the girl to the then-17-year-old Virginia Roberts.

she, Too, is part of the Netflix series, as victims of abuse to speak out. However, in the first line in connection with Jeffrey Epstein. The late Mulitmillionär should you have a summer job in a hired by Donald trump’s Country Clubs. Roberts had, according to his own words, a difficult past. Already before you got to know Epstein, had they been abused, I even lived for a time on the road.

“I was the perfect victim,” says the now 36-year-old woman with long, blond hair. The reason for this assumption: you have never asked too many questions and always done what asked Epstein to her. “I was a slave to these people, and then I was a commodity,” she says in the Netflix documentary. Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had borrowed from Roberts to your friends, including politicians, business people, powerful people”. Apparently Prince Andrew was one of these friends.

  • News on the British Royals can be read here.

Roberts: “He has focused on my deep-seated V-neck”

Because the British heir to the throne should have passed to her, claimed Roberts is already almost nine years ago. In February 2011, the “Daily Mail” published an Interview with her in which she accused Prince Andrew abuse. Roberts got to know the Royal in London in 2001, where she ate with him and Epstein together. The “Daily Mail” quoted the words: “Andrew has taken every opportunity to make eye contact with me, and the deep V-neck of my Shirts focused”. Swen Pförtner/dpa

Later in the evening, he had slept with her, one of a total of three times. Last Roberts Prince Andrew in Epstein’s private island made. The Royal denies these allegations. In a nearly hour-long Interview with BBC reporter Emily Maitlis Prince Andrew in 2019 expressed for the first Time fully to his connection to Jeffrey Epstein.

Of the pedophiles machinations of the multi-millionaire, took in August, 2019 in a New York prison at the age of 66 years of life, he knew nothing, and Roberts wants to hit the Royal never. Photos to see where both are together, stamped as forgeries. Specifically, he said: “I have no memory of it, to have this woman ever met, no.”

Prince Andrew has pulled out of Public

The incident and the fact that Prince Andrew has denied the cooperation with the judiciary, had consequences for the Royal far-reaching. He laid down his tasks for the Royal family, has withdrawn almost completely from the Public. Scully, the Prince Andrew-loaded in the “Filthy Rich” now, justified in the documentary is also his step against him and, above all, Epstein’s approach.

One day, someone on Epstein’s estate had come, the should clean the Pool. He asked the now 70-Year-old why he was doing all of this. “For the money”, have Scully answered. The cleaning man wanted to know if he had children and he would have these in Epstein’s close. There was no longer Scully became clear that he could bear it, the guilt of the Mulitmillionärs and his entourage no longer wool support. “The next day, I quit,” he says. Salt-water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than PCP salt water Trick In strawberries more animal hide than I thought
