After the attack of the hall of assassins, Stephan B. made a confession. Since then, he is in prison and dared to try to escape. This now has consequences.

in Front of a synagogue in Halle, on Wednesday, may 9. October 2019, a shootout occurred. Stephan B., a 27-year-old German, has confessed to the crime, in which two people died. In prison, it now came to a moment of Shock, and has now drawn first consequences.

Update from 11. June, 12.37 p.m.: After the hall-assassin Stephan B. at the end of may a attempt to escape from the correctional facility (JVA) took to an independent panel of experts of the security in the prison in Halle. Minister of justice, Anne-Marie Keding (CDU) announced this on Thursday in a special session of the Committee on the rights of the Magdeburg state Parliament. The panel should only be used with external experts and analyze the Situation. “We are not in the Optimum”, said Keding.

hall: panel of Independent experts to. the security of the prison

The legal experts of the Parliament had convened the meeting, to allow the escape attempt of the Ministry and the prison management inform At the end of may, the 28-Year-old with a clearance to climb, in an unguarded Moment over a more than three meters high fence. Then he tried to open the doors before he was caught. Keding, according to the man over a longer period of time directly .

The chief of the prison hall, Thomas Naumann , based on the presentation of Keding: The responsible guards had guarded the prisoners on his separate free ganghof only a few seconds as prescribed, with the two officials, said Naumann the Committee. According to him, the escape attempt would have been without these breaches of duty are not possible .

Due to an attempt to escape from the hall-bombers: Deputy prison head forced

Keding had already made on Tuesday, the JVA is responsible. The Deputy Director, a woman, was treated now in a first consequence of the Ministry of justice criminal , such as Keding told the Committee.

On 9. October 2019 had tried to Stephan B. heavily armed, in the well-attended Jewish community to penetrate. When this failed, the hard he shot two people and injured other people, before he was arrested. The Federal Prosecutor accuses the Saxony-Anhalt two counts of murder and 68-times the attempted murder “of a anti-Semitic, racist and xenophobic attitude out”.

Update 4. June, 19.01 PM: After the failed escape attempt by Stephan B. on whit Saturday, the management of the prison (JVA) is not been informed initially about the incident . This is a survey of the prison Director and his Deputy in the Ministry of justice, revealed on Thursday, the Ministry said in Magdeburg. Accordingly, both received only on Tuesday morning, aware of the incident and informed immediately to the Ministry of justice.

hall-bombers launched an attempt to escape incident was only three days later

discovered Continue to be open, why not the event was reported, in which the overcame in custody for the seat at the end of Stephan B. a fence within the prison in the hall, more. In addition, be evaluated currently recording . In the coming weeks, the Committee on legal Affairs of the Landtag of Saxony-Anhalt wants to meet for a special session. Minister of justice, Anne-Marie Keding (CDU) introduced a “comprehensive report” in view.

Update 4. June, 15.20 PM: , The assassin of the hall, Stephan B. , is after his almost successful attempt to escape on the day of Pentecost, in the meantime, as announced by the correctional facility (JVA) hall has been relocated in a particularly well secured prison, after Burg bei Magdeburg .

b. sitting since October of last year in the JVA Halle I in detention . The assassin would be even without the incident in the coming weeks, in time for the start of the process on 21. July to castle have been moved. After the escape attempt was now already on Wednesday in the safer prison brought in.

moment of Shock in the prison hall-the assassin can temporarily escape – “This must have consequences”

Update from 3. June, 17.40 PM: Saxony-Anhalt’s Minister of justice, Anne-Marie Keding announces to the short-term escape from the hall-bomber Stephan B. consequences. The prison staff have very obviously violates regulations, said the CDU politician of the German press Agency: “This must have consequences”. The incident, the Minister described as “terrible”.

Keding ordered for Thursday, the prison management to the Ministry to Magdeburg. She wants to know from the responsible why you have only learned on Tuesday from the incident on Saturday . According to a spokesman of the Ministry B. to be brought on Wednesday to the prison in Burg near Magdeburg . It is the largest and most modern prison in the country.

hall: assassin climbs over fence and is five minutes unattended

first message from the 3. June:

Halle – shock moment in the jail : The assassin of the tried to stop to synagogue in hall Stephan B. to escape during his imprisonment for several minutes, his supervisors.

As was now known, was Stephan B. on Saturday afternoon (30. May) over a fence to a farm in the jail red ox in the hall, run out and have moved about five minutes unattended in the indoor area. The Ministry of justice informed now. Then took him again into custody. B. to have made no resistance.

Halle: moment of Shock in the prison: assassin escapes supervisors

According to the Ministry of justice of assassin is allowed his camera to cell monitored is actually not without supervision to leave. The Ministry was according to the message on Tuesday (2. June) informed of the incident and works on it. As a first consequence, the Supervisory staff were added in other areas.

Stephan B. on 9. October 2019 – the highest Jewish holiday Yom Kippur – heavily armed, attempted, in the synagogue in hall to penetrate. He shot a wooden door and threw explosives. When he managed to get into the synagogue, and he shot on the road, a 40-year-old woman and in a nearby kebab shops, a 20-year-old man.


After the attack on the synagogue in the hall of the allegations against the police were loud. Would Stephan B. can be once taken? A Video revealed also frightening Details – Then also against passers-by, allegations were made.

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