the myth of The gentleman criminal lives! And while on Australia’s Gold Coast in Garry Dishers novel “heat”.

Not a pretty Psychopath in a mini skirt, but also nice to look at: Koalas in Australia photo: AP

He is a cool guy, Wyatt has mostly invented the burglar, the Garry Disher. Eight novels Wyatt behind and is still on the loose. And he’s very lucky that his adventures are published in German at Berlin publisher, Pulp Master. Because of deneme Bonusu Coolness and style of the Translations from Ango Laina und Angelika Müller your criminal heroes on the water. This is not just in the crime segment, unfortunately, of course.

In Wyatt’s professional field, in turn, is not it, of course, to be able to his business partners leave. A burst Deal forced, for a while from his home base of Sydney to withdraw, to take Wyatt for a job on the Gold Coast, the Paradise of Australia.

It is the purest Gentleman seems to be a crime: A young woman hires him to steal a painting that had been taken from their Jewish ancestors once from the Nazis. The current owner is denying to have it, however, secretly taken photos, the painting is clearly visible on the living room wall.

So clearly the job is so difficult that the interests behind it. Because Wyatt’s contact with his client was prepared through a middle man, a business man with a dark side that not even the fingers dirty, but a niece has, who works as a Realtor and in this way easily find out where to get something.

This young woman, a poisonous, delicate beauty named Leah Quarrell holds, in turn, a criminal Ex-police officers as the man for the job that you do with little sexual attentions in her power, while they themselves absorbed in a secret affair with the Casinomaxi American lawyer of Wyatt’s client, which in turn is left officially long ago, and of course his own Agenda to be pursued. As if the situation were not complex enough, Wyatt sought from the consequences of the bursting of the deal from the beginning.

Garry Disher: heat. A. d. Eng. Ango Laina und Angelika Müller. Pulp Master, Berlin 2019. 270 p., 14,80 Euro

The Moral, in brief, was this: crime doesn’t pay, unless you stay in a decent and careful. Because while the bulk of the novel staff will be victims of their own greed, stupidity, or worse, doesn’t come from Wyatt, but also solves yet brilliantly the mystery of the missing painting. Because, of course, the image is, as he goes into the Villa, not only before been stolen; but as it is, again, something else will be wrong with it.

“heat” is a small masterpiece of action organization. It has something of a classic Screwball Comedy, as Disher the narrative threads verzwirbelt to the end, more and more, and surprisingly, people throws out of Nothing in the action such as rabbits from the hat of a magician. This novel would be a movie, would like to imagine spontaneously Cary Grant as a Wyatt.

apparently a bit of culture lots of Australian Gold Coast, one could imagine well as a counterpoint to the Côte d’azur in Hitchcock’s “Over the roofs of nice”. Only the figure of the beautiful and ruthless female Psychopath in a mini skirt had it not been for Hitchcock as well. Similarly, the Ex-soldier that can break with a simple arm movement, a back of the Neck. This type of representation of fortified femininity is clearly a more recent achievement in the international crime novel. Katharina Granzin