Mourinho and the Swedish world star Zlatan Ibrahimovic has a good relationship from a common past in the Inter Milan and Manchester United.

Now will portugiseren allegedly try to lure Zlatan to Tottenham. In any case, if you are to believe the Telegraph.

the 38-year-old Zlatan has, according to the media held a meeting with his former club AC Milan through its agent as late as Wednesday.

Anyway wonder the media in to Mourinhos ties to Zlatan and svenskerens sense of drama can send him in the direction of London, Gencobahis when his contract expires with the american LA Galaxy at the turn of the year.

Mourinho has on several occasions praised the squad at Tottenham and told me that he does not want to make the big changes.

“I really like the squad here. I like the players, it is not new to anyone. I will not make the big changes. I will respect the core of the team, which has achieved good results over 5.5 years.”

another player, Mourinho should try to get a signature from the Danish Christian Eriksen, who has kontraktfri for the summer and just now gets around to both Real Madrid, Atlético Madrid and Juventus.