A box, like a sculpture or other artistic work, can be enjoyed from the purest ignorance. This outstanding quality of the art belittles often in a sector that historically has turned to the illiterate. Art is emotion and that is why it is right for everyone. If it is zero, but it wants to delve into the meaning of a piece or author, there are four basic levels within the reach of anyone to get closer to a job.


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1. Emotion. When we perceive a stimulus, regardless of the sense by which the brain receives, it produces a psychophysiological reaction: an emotion. Stopping in the colors or the scene, but without attempting to decrypt it, there is to delve into the emotions that remove that work of art.

2. Argument. once you have identified the emotions, the next question to resolve is what or who is watching. A box, for example, is usually a fragment of a story frozen. Today the vast majority of people own a mobile with internet connection. Simply type in the name of the box to know who are the characters and what is happening in the scene. Once you know the story, confróntese with the feelings that are extracted in the first step. Do you agree? Sometimes, the magic resides precisely in the disjunction of these two levels.

3. Symbology. Any element in a work has a meaning, nothing is random. Objects or animals are displayed often have an apparent meaning and the other symbolic. Identify the most striking, those that seem out of place or be repetitive and relaciónelos with the knowledge popular or academic holds, and with what extracted from the two point.

4. Colors. There are colors that only respond to the nature of the elements. The sea, for example, is blue. But what tone is used? Realizing if one color predominates over the other, what shades are used or if one is more relevant helps to complete the meaning of the work.