Three adults and a child is found dead under a collapsed building in an à-la-Szczyrk in Poland.

A three-storey building collapsed on Wednesday evening in an à-la-Szczyrk in southern Poland. According to police, it happened as a result of a gas explosion.

This writes the news agency Reuters.

There lived eight people in the building, as rescue workers since Wednesday evening have been looking for.

Early Thursday morning a total of four persons found dead. It writes the local media, according to TV2. There must be three adults and a child.

It is not informed, whether there is still a fear that more people may be killed in the building.

Spokeswoman for the local fire department Patrycja Pokrzywa lit on Wednesday evening, according to news agency AP, that the house has been totally destroyed in the explosion.

She told on, more children could be among those who may be trapped under the rubble.

The Polish radio station RMF 24 reported that personnel from 12 brandkøretøjer have participated in the rescue operation on the night of Thursday.

the rescue operation has been hampered by the fact that there has been much smoke even after the fire has been turned off.

It informs Jaroslaw Wieczorek, who is the head of the local self-government in the field, RMF 24, writes TV2.

in Addition, it has also been hampered by the fact that everything the rescue operation is conducted manually, in order not to harm any survivors among the rubble.
