queen Elizabeth II is a fan of science fiction like the others ? Of course, if we are to believe the actor Brian Blessed. In an interview with data-Yahoo ! Movies, the British said that the film Flash Gordon, released in 1980, and in which he plays, is the favorite movie of Elizabeth II. “She looks at him with his grandchildren every year at Christmas “, believes the actor.

” You know, we look at Flash Gordon all the time, me and the grandchildren. And if you don’t mind, I have the grandchildren here. Could you say : “Gordon’s alive ?” “repeated Brian Blessed, at the age of 83 years, imitating the voice of the queen,” Gordon’s alive ” is the sentence as iconic as the character he embodies declares. “Everywhere I go, they want all that I said, “Gordon’s alive !” (…). The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, horses and queens, Prime ministers, they all want me to say : “Gordon’s alive !” “it is their favorite movie “, he insists.

Read also Style – Elizabeth II of England, queen of simplicity

another favourite movie ?

Le Figaro recalls that Brian Blessed has been knighted by the queen in 2016 and became an officer of the order of the british Empire (OBE). The daily also states that it would not be the first to know the secrets of the film the queen. Thus, a biographer of the british royal family Adam Helliker said last year that the favorite movie of Elizabeth II was Shirley Valentine, released in 1989, and tells the story of the life of a housewife from Liverpool who change his life starting with a holiday in Greece.

writing will advise you

Elizabeth II, political genius