Ash from the fierce forest fires in eastern Australia is hovered over the neighboring country of New Zealand.

the Glaciers in New Zealand have been pink due to the ash from the fierce forest fires in eastern Australia.

In the national park Mount Aspiring by the town of Wanaka in the country’s sydø have the new zealand travel photographer and blogger Liz Carlson pictures taken of the national park’s glaciers, which are covered in pink ash.

the Images were taken 28. november on a helicopter ride, and she says to the u.s. media CNN.

It was shocking to see. I have never seen anything like it, says Liz Carlson of CNN.

– At the end of the summer they can look dirty when the snow melts, but here at the spring it is bizarre, she says.

Australia is just now suffering some of the worst forest fires ever. Friday is 104 fires are still in full swing, of which 59 are out of control. One of the fires is even the size of the island of Funen.

westerly winds sending smoke and ash from the fires over New Zealand, which is about 4000 kilometers west of Australia.

According to CNN meteorologist Monica Garret is the heavier particles in the smoke dropped down over the glaciers in New Zealand and has colored the snow.

In a posting on Twitter from the meteorological department in the australian state of New South Wales, where the fires raging, one can see how the smoke spreading across The Tasman Sea and to New Zealand.

Liz Carlson is sad to see how climate change is destroying the nature.

– the forest Fires due to the clear effects of climate change. It is not what our glaciers have use for.

– The melt is already fast enough, she says.

According to CNN, it is unknown whether røgpartiklerne is harmful to the glaciers.

But it is according to the medium proved by the researchers that the fires in the Amazon rainforest got the glaciers in the Andes to melt faster.
