Handbags or shoulder bags, backpacks and other bags are practical everyday companions: they offer space for cell phones, wallets and the like and keep them safe. But: Valuables are not safe on your back, things are not easy to find in handbags that are too large and there is a risk that larger bags will also tend to be overfilled – and then of course weigh heavily. Small crossbody bags that sit close to the body and offer space for essentials are practical and fashionable. And: They are also among the bag trends.

A crossbody bag, as the name suggests, is a bag that is strapped or carried across the body. Unlike a classic shoulder bag, it usually sits very close to the body and is usually smaller than a normal handbag. A crossbody bag is practical for sports, for example, when keys, mobile phones and the like can be carried in such a way that they don’t get in the way or wobble back and forth. It should sit nice and tight on the body. But the accessory can also become a practical eye-catcher in everyday outfits if you combine it correctly.

A sporty crossbody bag is ideal for those who want to take things like keys, mobile phone etc. with them when they do sports but don’t know where to put them. As mentioned above, it should sit nice and close to the body so that it doesn’t get in the way when running. And of course it shouldn’t be filled too much either. Appropriately, it has color links to the outfit (similar color to the top, trousers or shoes) – and then it is also a visual asset.

In an everyday look, the crossbody bag can sit a little looser on the body, but as with a sporty look, it should match the outfit in color and be found somewhere to create a harmonious overall picture. If you want to use the small bag as a specific highlight, you can also choose a different color or a striking design to draw attention to the accessory. Small bags look more elegant, larger ones are naturally bulkier and more present.

A crossbody bag can also be styled elegantly: a small model with filigree details goes wonderfully with an evening dress instead of a clutch – so you also have your hands free. The it-piece can also be worn with a shirt and suit trousers for men. Bags with a prominent logo or those with wide straps and a sporty cut are of course less suitable. Better are models made of leather and with a chain or a leather belt. You can also set targeted highlights with a high-contrast strap.

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