a fire broke out at a factory, when a tanker exploded in the Sudanese capital. 23 people have lost their lives.

23 persons on Tuesday died, and more than 130 have been injured in connection with an explosion in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum.

Here, exploded a tanker, which triggered a fire at a programme-ceramic factory in an industrial zone in the northern part of the city.

This writes the news agency AFP, which has information about the accident from the government of Sudan and the indian embassy in Khartoum.

According to the embassy count the factory’s staff of more than 50 indian nationals.

Which is more perished in the fire.

An employee at a nearby factory told the subsequent AFP about the accident.

– the Noise from the explosion was loud. Several cars at the factory because bread also in the fire, said the witness.

I pulled 14 bodies out, which was completely burned, says a volunteer at the site by the name of Omar for the news agency Reuters.

Preliminary investigations from the scene of the accident indicates that there was not adequate security at the factory.

– highly Flammable materials were not stored properly, and it led to the spread of the fire, said earlier Tuesday from the government of Sudan, according to AFP.

The first studies showing a lack of security measures.

the Explosion was so violent, that tankvognen was blown over at a car park at the side of the fabriksbygningen.

An investigation of the explosion and the fire has been launched.

Among the dead are several from different asian countries, writes Reuters.

The wounded are admitted to hospitals in Khartoum. Several are in critical condition, informs a local police commissioner.

the Factory is completely destroyed after the explosion, informs the government.
