Forfatningseksperter be heard in Congress on the impeachment of Trump. One believes that the democrats are too busy.

Three experts in the UNITED states constitution on Wednesday, during a hearing in Congress strengthened the democratic requirement to make president Donald Trump for a rigsret to get him removed from the post.

They say that Trump is clearly trying to use another country – Ukraine – to help him be re-elected in 2020.

But there is also a fourth expert to present, professor Jonathan Turley. He believes that the democrats do not give themselves time for a proper investigation.

He is chosen to testify by the republicans. They are completely unified in rejecting the impeachment of Trump.

Turley says that there is “insufficient” evidence that the Trump committed what in the us constitution referred to as “high crimes and misdemeanors”. It can be both concrete crimes, but also actions that a president is unfit for his office.

It is the House of Representatives, who alone have the right to ask a president of a rigsret. The democrats have the majority, and they are firmly decided that Trump must be made for a rigsret attempts to push Ukraine to dig dirt up on democrat Joe Biden and his son.

Biden is the former vice president and one of the Trumps potential challengers in the presidential election in 2020.

– We three agree completely, says professor Michael Gerhardt and pointing to his two professorkolleger Pamela Karlan and Noah Feldman: That Trump has committed acts that warrant a rigsret.

permanent select committee on intelligence of the House of Representatives delivered on Tuesday their final report on the strip of interviews – several of which have been shown on the tv of diplomats, officials, and former employees of The White House. They have confirmed that Trump and others tried to pressure Ukraine and the president of the country, Volodimir Zelenskij, to find dirt on Biden.

Meanwhile, held The White House military assistance of almost 400 million u.s. dollars to Ukraine, until it is investigated Biden and his son, Hunter, said several witnesses.

Hunter Biden was a member of the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. It was while his father was vice president.

the Report of the permanent select committee on intelligence is expected to form the basis for the charges, which will be contained in an impeachment against the president.

It is expected to be settled by a vote in the House of Representatives before christmas. So can the rigsretssagen probably go in again in the Senate in January.
