A futsalkamp developed recently so violently, that there has been a police matter out of it.

In the showdown between Broager UI and Sønderborg, the Club, there was suddenly a huge frustration with one of the visiting Sønderborg-players.

The player is a 25-year-old man, who played his first game for the club, writes JydskeVestkysten.

He had been enraged after a situation about the timing during the match, whether there would have to be played with effective playing or not, as for instance done in the best range.

After the match, the 21-year-old man so furious, he went over to the dommerbordet and nodded a 25-year-old man at the dommerbordet a peel, then broke her nose. He has also beaten an opponent in the head.

South Jutland Police confirm to JydskeVestkysten, that there has been opened a deadliest single targeted killing after the incident in Broager.

“There occurs some commotion after the battle because of the disagreements about the timing, and whether the game should be effective playing as in the league. But the young man at the dommerbordet have no influence on it. For it is banedommerne that control it. But I have never experienced anything similar. It belongs nowhere at home. The player nods the judge a roach, and his father gives so one of our players a fist under the tumult,” says Ole Jensen, who is the coach in Broager UI, to JydskeVestkysten.

To those writing it also to Sønderborg, the Club has chosen illegal bahis to exclude the player permanently.