parents money, emergency children’s allowance or assistance for carers: This service of the state in the corona of crisis, you should not forget.

Not only is the children’s bonus should ease the burden on families financially in the corona of a crisis*. For parents, whose income is not enough, there is additional support from the state. What you should know about it – and what is now the parents money .

kids bonus and wage replacement for parents in corona crisis

Many families in the corona of crisis a children’s bonus* paid. But not only this financial help from the state for parents. the parents , can not go to work because schools and child care centers are still closed, can get a compensation for their loss of earnings.

condition for wage , the children dependent younger than twelve years old or disability assistance , and that there is otherwise “no other reasonable Care”. The payment of compensation by the employer, first of all, how in addition, reported. He could then apply to the competent land authority shall be the refund of the consideration paid. Parents could work without loss of earnings in a home office, be excluded from the support. Those who get short-time working money, paid to use vacation or time credits for child care, have also not entitled to this compensation, according to the Portal.

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be entitled to emergency KiZ? What parents should know

There are, however, other AIDS: The “ Notall-KiZ ” is to help a Supplement, of the speed work and small income , it also States in the report on He was also planned for self-employed or parents , which are still employed twelve months subject to social insurance contributions and therefore no access to short-time work or unemployment money. The support amounts to a maximum of 185 euros per month and per child . You’ll be paid in addition to the child benefit .

The emergency KiZ is limited to 30. September 2020 , as it is said in the report. Normally, the income of the previous six months was crucial. In the meantime, only the income of the last month to be examined. Smaller assets remain outside.

As a condition for the performance of announced that the child is 25 years old, in the household of the parents lives and not yet married, or is partnered. And, it is said further in the report: “The parents already get children’s money. Important: As a Couple, the parents must have at least a monthly gross income of 900 Euro, Single parents 600 euros.”

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How it works at the basic security

Corona-the times of application for basic security has been simplified. For parents whose source of income is broken away in the corona the crisis and the state unemployment benefit II , are that, under certain conditions, the following benefits are possible: For personal living a adult alone could standing currently 432 Euro get. the children received a rule from 250 to 354 euros, depending on whether, for example, a needy Partner live in the household. In addition, the cost the property would be paid, such as rent, ancillary costs and Heating costs.

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How is it with the parents money?

In the calculation of the parents money* on the basis of typically the net income for the last twelve months prior to the birth of the child . The average determines the amount of the support, between 300 and 1,800 euros, as reported.

Budding parents , the Corona due to earn less – because siel are currently in speed work , could at a normal calculation is actually noticeably less parents money from the state, if the Baby is in the world, writes the Portal. The new law prevents, however, the. The crisis months would now be excluded from the calculation . In addition, parents in the system of the relevant Professions* the parents money months , according to the report. By June 2021, you need to take, therefore, the months. This is also in accordance with the 14. Month of the child’s life is still possible. The partnership bonus would remain unaltered.

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Caregivers – this AIDS in the corona there is a crisis

Who care for a loved one at home, you can take according to the report, in addition, an additional acute-care assistance: Now and until the end of September Affected the work could stay up to 20 days, writes Previously, only ten days are usually in an emergency need.

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