On the Tegernsee lake, there will soon be a drive-in movie. The first dates are already fixed. Location will be the casino in Bad Wiessee. An Overview of the program.

The Fools-cinema-in-the-wood churches and the cinema at the Tegernsee in Weissach had to close down due to Corona. The wooden Kirchner had to bury their dream of drive-in movie, but at the Tegernsee, the project – in June starts. The first dates are already fixed.

Update 4. June: What is Corona due to the as a idea to the rescue of the culture and the cinema was born, could finally, even if the cinemas are allowed to start in accordance with strict hygiene concepts, as the song of the summer show:

At 11. June to start the first season of the drive-in theater-performances on the Parking deck of the casino in Bad Wiessee . With the support of the Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH and the cooperation partner Spielbank Bad Wiessee Cinema Carmen obermüller has developed from the “cinema on the Tegernsee” in Weißach, the concept of a drive-in cinemas at the Tegernsee.

On Thursday, 11. June, just in time for the Start of the new cinema week, the first of the ten days of the program blocks on the top Parking deck of the casino with views of the Tegernsee.

The follow-up appointments are 1 6. to 25. July and from 20. up to 29. August , with the Option of an extension in September.

On the Parking deck have 40-50 vehicles place, the sound is received through the frequency of the car radio. Because of the image quality can start not earlier than 21 o’clock, when the evening sky darkens.

For every taste should be something, therefore, there will be a varied summer programme of children’s and family films to art house and music films to popular classics and, of course, action cinema is not missing.

see The detailed programme for the first season, starting Sunday on the website of the cinemas. “We are glad that we are finally allowed back into the cinema and we look forward to our guests,” says Carmen Obermüller and hopes that the drive-in cinema is well accepted. Starve and die of thirst, no one needs to, however, Snacks and beverages will be in compliance with the hygiene regulations. The Tickets for the shows only are Online also www.kino-tegernsee.de available.

From the wood-Kirchner drive-in cinema

Fools-cinema-operator Thomas Modlinger has buried his drive-in movie idea.

+ Has buried his drive-in theater: Fools-operator Thomas Modlinger.©Thomas Plettenberg

Original article from the 28. April: Holzkirchen/Tegernsee – the last time the idea of rolling down of tears on his face. It is the Korean movie adaptation of Parasite delivery, and Thomas Modlinger held in advance a small farewell speech for a good ten spectators. A day later, on 16. March, had to lock the 57-Year-old, like all his colleagues in Bavaria, to be Fools-cinema-in-the-wood churches for the time being, due to the Corona-crisis. “I never would have thought that it takes so long,” he says.

But has long since become Fools-operator Modlinger again. Because now he has a new idea: He dreams of churches of a drive-in movie right in the middle of the wood. “I want to make cinema,” explains. Stay present, not in the state-funded “hammock” case. “The hearth of the garden would be the premium location.” And after the end of may, planned for the spring must be firmly expected anyway (we reported), is there space.

For cinema operators, the Situation is terrible. “I’m still in the fortunate position that I don’t have large fixed costs,” says Modlinger. As rent for the premises, which he pays to the municipality – always after the visit is numbers, way the case of this cost item in currently. Other expenses, including personnel, electricity and water run but.

His regulars have supported him though, praises Modlinger. Either through donations or a coupon promotion, the ticket service provider cinema hero offers. “Here I’m selling in the four digit range, but at the Pump.” Nevertheless: “I think the solidarity is great.”

drive-in cinema in wood churches: inlet control contact-free

For drive-in cinema, which he sees as an “important contribution to the mental and social health in a time of Isolation in your own home”, he put himself into the right stuff, worked on a concept: The contact between guests and staff is eliminated, therefore, complete. So Tickets are sold only in advance, online and at the entrance through the closed car window, in a contact-free and validated to be scanned. Drinks or Snacks will not be sold. A maximum of two persons should sit in a vehicle, Windows and doors should remain closed. Him around 100 cars per idea in mind. For comparison: In Fools-cinema, there are 75 seats, plus a wheelchair space.

Also interesting: vans completely overloaded

in Spite of the concept Modlinger meets with his drive-in cinema of resistance, similar to how colleagues in Munich in Aschheim, Germany. “I have a right Odyssey behind me,” he says. “The effort is associated with a lot of pull-UPS.” In the case of municipal and district office, he flashed. “But I can’t as quickly beaten.” He asked in a higher instance, but also the Bavarian Ministry of health shook his head. Justification: According to the Bavarian infection protection measures regulation prohibited the operation of all facilities which are not necessary for activities of daily living, but the leisure will serve. The visit to a drive-in cinemas is not a good reason to leave your apartment, it said.

For Modlinger the health of the population is in the foreground, however, he hopes to continue, with one exception, approval or Amendment of the regulation. Jealous he squints Westphalia Federal state such as Baden-Württemberg or North Rhine-where car are allowed in the cinemas now. Still there are a lot of unlaid eggs. So he had to apply for about the FM frequency by the Federal network Agency. Thus the visitors can listen to the movie sound through your car stereo. “It’s not about achieving big profits,” stresses Modlinger. But the social gathering, the cultural contribution of the municipality.

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Also on the Tegernsee lake, a drive-in cinema is planned

Also in the Tegernsee valley are currently making plans for such a project. Carmen Obermüller, the cinema must remain at the Tegernsee in Weissach since the beginning of the Corona-crisis-closed, had the idea and confirmed on demand: “Yes, we have to consider just how and where the plans can be implemented.”

Actively assisted by the Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH (TTT). “It would be great if we could realize the idea on the Tegernsee lake,” says TTT managing Director Christian Kausch. There was therefore already in discussions with the valley mayors, to the project, apparently benevolently. Details could and he is not allowed to reveal yet, says Kausch. So much, however: there are Currently three places for the car-the cinema were already in conversation. “As long as we are with the property owners still in negotiation, we are allowed to say anything,” says Kausch. Also, the project will not be requested nor officially, although it had been with the district office talks. Cinema fans at the Tegernsee, may make hopes, because according to Kausch will still be tested this week in the technical implementation. Kausch hopes that it is already the beginning of June: movie in the drive-in movie at the lake Tegernsee.

Manuel Neuer is trained in his house on the Tegernsee

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