Shaheen Dill-Riaz’s film “Bamboo Stories” follows Bamboo rafts-men in Bangladesh down the river. He shows the pressure under which they work.

The rafting is almost relaxed – at least if everything photo: Sabcat Media

high summer in the North-East of Bangladesh: On the banks deneme bonusu veren siteler of the river Kushiyara bamboo bundle floating in the water. More and more tribes are binding together the workers, who were beaten in the woods nearby. The bundles are then moored to a raft, the raft is pushed down the river. The bamboo is already sold on the move. For four weeks, a hand accompanied men to the bamboo on a path that is always under the threat of thieves and pirates, who have it in for the precious cargo.

documentary filmmaker Shaheen Dill-Riaz shows in “Bamboo Stories” the life-world of the bamboo rafters. In Interviews and stunning images, he outlines the conditions of their lives, the pressure under which they work, and the impact of work on their families.

the Beat of the bamboo in the forest is tedious. To not be in the swampy woods completely of leeches and mosquitoes eat you alive, RUB the workers with a mixture of mustard oil and tobacco. The pests still find their way. The long bamboo rods need to be wiped also individually, because they cause otherwise when you Wear it itching.

As the tenant of the forest, a picture of the Work, writes he with the foreman that you have to beat the glade in the forest, to the strains of better quality approach. Then he explained into the microphone that he could beat any case of bamboo that would be much too exhausting. S says,’and climbs onto the motorcycle, then the workers insert a Pause, and the payment of claims. Betpark You get the stem only a little more than the equivalent of a Cup of tea in the Bazaar. Also the Transport on the water is one financial optimization, the Transport would be the cost of the car by several times.

The rafts, on the other hand almost relaxed – at least if everything runs smoothly. If the raft broke apart, is a rush in demand for Repair. The higher the price of the timber to pay for their families. The long absence is noticeable. The wife of one of the workers is also a little excited by the work of her husband, especially since he would have had the opportunity to drive a rickshaw. The money he earned in the rafts, is hardly enough to cover the cost of the family. For the men, in turn, the work on the raft, a space, a Break out of the constraints that you would expect at home.

Shaheen Dill-Riaz has taken over the last ten years repeatedly, from different perspectives of the living conditions in Bangladesh: From his breakthrough with “iron-eater” (2008) on the dismantling of ships on the beaches of the country over the “Koran children”, adoption of the Koranic schools, up to “district of happiness” that shows the work of German volunteers in Bangladesh. In these films, Dill has proven Riaz Time and again a knack for it, to keep the Balance between accessibility for a larger audience and the complexity of the topic.

“Bamboo Stories”. Director: Shaheen Dill-Riaz. Bangladesh/Germany In 2019, 96 Min.

In the case of “Bamboo Stories” shows this Balance in the Juxtaposition of impressive images, a little dudeligen music and a precise representation of the living conditions and the constraints, which raftsmen and loggers are subject to. However, one thing is to be noted critically: Even Dill-Riaz’s Film is a victim of image trends, and has added to the recordings from the life on the raft and on the river banks by means of aerial photographs. Since drones allow such a recording with a low Budget, they seem to be ubiquitous. In Dill-Riaz’s Film, they act like a foreign body. Does “Bamboo Stories” but no crash.