Tesla-the boss ærekrænkede not a british diver, when he last year called him a “pedophile guy”, decides the court.

There was no question of defamation, as rigmanden Elon Musk last summer called a british diver a “pedophile guy”.

It has a district court in Los Angeles in the UNITED states on Friday, definitely.

Musk, who is ceo of elbilfirmaet Tesla, wrote the words in July last year on twitter, where he has 22 million followers.

They were directed against the british diver and huleekspert Vernon Unsworth, who led a rescue mission that went out to rescue the 12 thai fodbolddrenge and their coach out of a cave.

They had been trapped several kilometers inside the cave, as it was flooded.

the Rescue effort gained international attention, and Elon Musk wanted to help the children. He offered to make a mini sub from its raketselskab SpaceX available, so that it could retrieve the children out of the cave in Thailand.

Unsworth said on CNN that the Musk was only looking for positive publicity, and that he could “stick his mini sub up there, where it hurts”. Miniubåden was useless for the purpose, he said.

The comment was Music to the keys.

– We will get a mini sub all the way to the cave five without problems. Sorry, pædo-guy, you asked for it, he wrote on Twitter in response to the statements.

the Message he has later regretted.

– It was an unprovoked attack on a good-natured attempt to save the children.

I was upset. It was wrong and insulting, so I insulted him back, said rigmanden to the six nævninger during the proceedings.

Tesla-the owner has also in the trial apologized for his message on Twitter, which got Unsworth to claim the 190 million dollar – just over 1.3 billion – from Elon Musk for the damage, as the diver feels that his reputation has suffered because of the comment.

It was a relieved Elon Musk, who, after the acquittal, said to the attending journalists.

– My faith in humanity has been restored, he said, among other things.
