“Our own little piece of heaven” – the supervisor calls of their work. And visually, the Sanatorium makes “Himmelstal”, after the eight-part Swedish Thriller series (from Sunday, 19. July, 20.15 PM, TNT series) is named, a whole lot. The picturesque landscape of South Tyrol, however, is only a pretty backdrop for the deep abysses of literary adaptation, with which not even the darkest ravines of the Alps can compete with that. In the middle of it: A strong leader Josefin Asplund (“delusion”, “Vikings”) in a dual role as a supposedly good and evil twin sister.

Yuri Spalletta / CMore / TV4 tele show

The identical twins Helena and Siri (in each case, Josefin Asplund) have since many years no longer in contact. Then Helena reached, a message from the Region of the Italian Trentino. Siri says she was in a Sanatorium in the South Tyrol, and you would be very happy if her sister would come to visit. In the hope that the great reconciliation, Helena travels to the so-called Himmelstal. Quickly, she realizes that her psychopathic sister lured them here for a specific reason – to swap for 24 hours, the roles. When Helena rejects the proposal, makes Siri even for the confusion and flees. Helena stays in the Sanatorium, where everyone thinks she’s her twin sister.

Francesco Berardinelli / CMore / TV4 tele show

A clever move on the part of the script makes for a truly credible confusion, the “Himmelstal” differs fundamentally from a myriad of twin-Confusion-stories. While you ask yourself usually, why the environment is so incredibly naive and blind, the cluelessness in this story to completely make sense. Because, of course, the real Siri would be within the sanatorium, a subject, as Helena to flee to this pretext in freedom. And your Doctors will keep the Psychopath on the one hand, for ripped enough to play a little game with you, on the other hand, for sick enough to imitate her sister unintentionally. Regardless of how Helena acts so that psychologists have a Declaration for “Siris”.

Thomas Toti / CMore / TV4 tele look, Not everything is immediately logical

the series starts, Even for a deliberately nebulous story a bit diffusely, not everything is at first glance understandable, or even logical. The fog dissolves only extremely slowly – this applies to both Helena finds out and what kind of trouble Siri is plugged in, as well as for the spectators. After the scene, however, not only contour, but also increasingly to the voltage.

the first completely opaque patients – for example, the duration of the smoldering old neighbor (Barbara Marten) and the uncanny colossus Ray (Felix Garcia Guyer) provide, among other things. The threat scenario arises primarily from the fact that Helena has no idea of the relationship of Siri to that of the other patients, which is expected in turn, but of course, that it behaves exactly like your sister. The appeal of the series, Helena’s dichotomy does so, to prove your true identity and survive on the other hand, in her ascribed role as a Siri.

“look, We are here in the abyss, and the abyss looks at us,” is how chief medical officer Dr. Fisher (Matthew Modine), working with the mentally ill. That this abyss is not limited to the patient, you do not know at this time.

May be the location South Tyrol is rather less serious, dark series – “Himmelstal”, however, shows how quickly the force of the beautiful nature, too depressing effect. This effect Netflix has made use of recently, which is the Northern Italy discovered also as a filming location, across from home kitsch: for the supernatural Drama series “Curon”.


Yuri Spalletta / CMore / TV4 tele show

*The contribution of “deep gorges, sinister abyss: After this series is published ripe for the Sanatorium” is from the tele look. Contact with the executives here.

tele look