“I remember you.”

How to reproduce Sarah Iversen, the words that fell from Sunday’s kampdommer, as the two got eye contact.

“She warns me, in fact, already in the field (the fight, red.). We have had them at home for one EHF match. She said: ‘I remember you, you are very emotional’. So I was such a ‘oh no, now I can also well remember her’,” says Sarah Iversen of the moment.

Here the judge towards her, and it put some thoughts in the time of the Danish national team. And they were not completely positive in the first place.

“Then I think just ‘shit, not such a struggle’. They are not so much for, to yell, and I’m one of them, crying a little. Not necessarily a bad thing, it can also just be pure annoyance, but she kept saying ‘I can well remember, how you are, you should stop it there’,” says Sarah Iversen.

Good enough were the words said with a smile. But Iversen clearly remember how the two had ‘proper trip’, the last time they met in a struggle with the Herning-Ikast.

“There, I thought ‘she’s fucking annoying’, but it went. You come a long way with a smile, and you just need to say ‘yes’ and give her the right,” he said jauntily from a smiling Sarah Iversen.

After the fight featured she teammates, it was good to get tysset on her and stopped råberierne, when they came. Yell other hand, there was enough of, since the fight was over. In the good way.

For a few seconds again stood 26-26 on the board. South korea pounded the ball into the net behind Sandra Toft, and when they were on their way to celebrate the victory with the shout and the heap, it was instead the danes, who could attach his fists.

Who was convicted violated, and thus the insured Klavs Bruun Jørgensen’s crew a point.

“I think we have lost. I see not at all, people go in and say ‘quiet’. I’m sitting with your arms and your shirt over your Vdcasino head and think it’s all crap. Until there is one that says ‘Zeal, quiet now. Tie’. Well, good enough. Well judged the judge. So she got the right praise with on the road,” laughed the Danish national team.

Next match for the Denmark game on Tuesday, and here it is Germany that awaits. The fight starts 12.30 local time and can be followed on bt.dk.