Danish landsholdssvømmere encountered for EM camp from near and far. Get are been at the national training center.

2019 has been a chaotic year for Danish swimming after a DR documentary in april revealed the dubious training methods at The National training center (NTC) through the a decade.

the Page has a number of svømmeprofilerne left the centre. Pernille Blume trainer now alternately Zealand and Turkey, Mie Ø. Nielsen and Viktor Bromer returned home to Aalborg, and Daniel Skaaning is taken to the UNITED states.

One of the few profiles that has been on the NTC, is Emilie Beckmann, and she has no regrets. The conditions in the new setup is good, she says prior to the short course-EM, which will be held from Wednesday to Sunday in Glasgow.

– I have experienced the new setup which is really positive. There has been a positive atmosphere in there, and we have enjoyed getting to training. We’ve got new on the team, and others have said farewell. But all in all, I think we’ve had it really good, she says.

In august announced Dansk Svømmeunion, that the setup at the gym need to be changed. The outlook came after Denmark for the first time in 14 years, raised from a langbane-WORLD championships without a medal.

And a few months earlier, the NTC coaches Martin Truijens and Mads Bjorn said their jobs due to disagreements with Dansk Svømmeunion.

It got the swimmers to express distrust to the leadership of the union.

In the new setup with the new coaches is the swimmers included on the council. There has been more focus on the mental, notes Beckmann.

– It is very much about what experience we have in the past made us in his career. Now I have even been a part of rallies. What I feel has worked for me, I have relayed to my trainer, so together we have been able to develop a plan.

She understands that some swimmers have taken other options.

– We want the best for each other basically. I sincerely hope that they have chosen the places where they feel they get the maximum benefit. And I am actually quite sure that they have, saith the butterflyeksperten.

Since 1. april is national coach for Denmark’s best swimmers called Stefan Hansen.

He stresses that the union has been focusing on “to have order in our own shop” at the NTC after a turbulent period.

– The part I’ve spent any time on since april. We would like to be decent people and win in a good way. But we also still have the ambition to continue to win, ” says Stefan Hansen.

the national coach admits that everything is not yet rosy in the relationship between landsholdssvømmerne and the union.

– the Mood is good now, I think. It is something we have worked hard, and we’re going to work on it. I think, actually never, we get 100 percent of the goal, but we have come really far.

– I think that the new center has contributed well to it for the swimmers, who have chosen to be there.

– Then there are some swimmers who have chosen anything else, and we have from the Danish swim union side tried to back so good up on the as possible with the needs that they have, ” says Stefan Hansen.

Denmark has 23 swimmers at the european championship in short course, where there are ambitions for finals and medals for the most seasoned, while the latest on the scene should primarily use the championship to get a taste of life as a professional swimmer.
