this is The last chance, if you hope to get the ticket to the Danish EM-matches on home turf in the Park.

the deadline for applying to the european football championship matches in June and July is over in a few days.

The Danish qualification for the european championships next year has opened up a new round of applications for tickets to the Danish matches.

But the 30. november at 12.00, you will probably no longer be able to reach into the pool of Danish fans who come to cheer on Denmark in the Park.

Here closes DBU for registration to the Herrelandsholdets the Club, then it is time to get distributed the tickets, there’s going to be sold to Danish football fans.

And it is almost 100 percent certain that you must be a member of the Herrelandsholdets fan Club, if you want to be considered for a ticket.

In the beginning of december opens Uefa so for the second time for ticket sales. Here 50 percent of the available tickets go to the fans, who have earned the most loyalty points by having purchased tickets to the Danish matches in the past.

The other half of the tickets are being handed out at the draw – but again will more loyalty points from the previous matches give more tickets in the pot.

DBU selected, that it is the most loyal fans here at home that must Pinbahis be considered and ultimately get access to buy tickets to the Danish matches.

the Uefa, which stands for ticket sales, have already sold a good portion of the tickets to the Danish matches, where you could search from 12. June 12. July of this year, and thousands of Danish fans were left disappointed not to have got one of the few tickets to the matches.

Approximately 5,000 Danish fans come to get tickets for the Denmark matches in the Park, inform the DBU, and are you already registered Herrelandsholdets fan Club, you get additional information about ticket sales in the beginning of december.

There will also be opened for even a billetsalgsrunde from Uefa in april 2020, but it does only apply to the four nations that qualify for the european championship through the Nations League play-fighting in march.

At the first stage in the summer sold the Uefa in the region of 1.5 million tickets, while in the second phase in december will be sold about a million tickets. Uefa writes that 82 percent of the audience on the european championship-the stadiums will be fans who have bought tickets.

ticket Prices are in three levels for fighting in the Park: 373 crowns, 934 kroner and 1.382 crowns. The cheapest tickets will be behind the goals, while the most expensive tickets will be at the long sides.

“that’s not going to sit 33.000 in red and white in the Park, in inverted commas, it becomes not a home game. But with the three matches in the Park, we get to the wildest fodboldsommer we have ever had and is ever going to have. It is historic,” says fodbolddirektør in DBU, Peter Møller, B. T.

Denmark opens its EM-tournament 13. June 2018. The opponent in the match and Denmark’s other matches – is fixed after the great EM-draw 30. november.