Sunday there are elections in Hong kong. It is quiet, tells Niko Grünfeld, there is an electoral observer.

on Sunday there are elections in Hong kong, and it goes reasonably peaceful for themselves.

In any case, the places where the Danish local politician arranged Niko Grünfeld (Y), which is a voluntary international an electoral observer in the elections, has been.

– There has been a call for there to be peace in the streets, so that people can be allowed to vote – and it seems that everything is done in a fairly reasonable manner. Also, driving there is incredibly few ambulances and police cars around in the streets.

I have spoken with some local, and they are positively surprised at how high the turnout is and everyone is trying to get their voice into the fold, he says.

Niko Grünfeld, who is a member of the Copenhagen Borgerepræsentation and former kulturborgmester, is in Hong kong as an international an electoral observer invited by a number of civil organisations, including the group “Fight for freedom – Stand with Hong kong”.

There are invited about 20 people from among others, the USA, Japan, Malaysia and a number of european countries. Jokerbet

It is without agreement with the government, and therefore, they have not been allowed to enter in any of the polling stations yet.

– We will be happy to check and see how it takes place inside at the polling stations. But since we do not have an official stamp from the government, it is clear that it is a challenge.

– But we have been allowed to enter a few polling stations when the polling stations are closed and we are trying to get access to even more. However, there is to be done in a fair democratic manner, he says.

Hong kong has been marked by turmoil for the past six months, but up to the elections has been put a damper on the clashes between the protesters and the police.

Polling stations opened at 07.30 on Sunday morning local time. With six hours left to vote in – at 16.30 local time – had 2.1 million citizens voted in the elections, shows the latest figures from the authorities, according to Reuters
