To cover the open area of ??the stroller and protect your baby from dangerous UV radiation, investing in an awning can make sense. In contrast to a parasol, it provides more shade and therefore automatically reduces the risk of sunburn. It is easily attached to the stroller and can be removed again at any time. Depending on the manufacturer, the common models differ in colors, patterns and sizes. For this reason, you should think about the following points before purchasing.

Most shade sails are usually flexible enough to fit over any stroller. Nevertheless, you should pay attention to the dimensions specified by the manufacturer in advance. Because even if the models are supposed to be universally applicable, it can still happen that you get a number that is too small or large. Unless you choose a custom-made shade sail of the same brand as that of your stroller. Otherwise you can choose between different models:

In order for an awning to protect baby’s delicate skin from dangerous sun rays, it should have a high level of UV protection – that means: at least SPF 50. Most models even show this value, but not every one has been tested according to UV Standard 801. This is a testing and certification system that tests sun sails under realistic conditions and can thus measure the actual UV protection factor. In addition, there are also a few models that have an SPF 80, but are noticeably more expensive to purchase.

Depending on which model you choose, the awning is attached to the handles and the baby seat – or just to the baby seat. Attachment is very easy with an elastic band, but the cords have the advantage that the sun protection can be easily pushed back and forth (if necessary). This means you can establish visual contact with your child at all times and ensure healthy air circulation if too much heat builds up under the sail. It is important to know that an awning can never replace applying sunscreen, it only serves as additional sun protection.

Safety note: If you attach a sun shade to the stroller, warm air can build up underneath, especially on hot days. To prevent your child from overheating, you must ensure regular air exchange by removing the awning every now and then.

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