There have been found several cases of the dangerous Lassa fever at a hospital in Sierra Leone, and it has led to several Jestbahis deaths.

Two Dutch doctors have been infected, because they participated in an operation on a patient in november.

They were evacuated home to england and hospitalized, where Lassa-fever was detected. The one doctor died a few days ago, while the other is seriously ill.

Statens Serum Institut report that, through the Dutch health authorities have contact with a dane, who has had a connection to one of the infected in the Netherlands.

Six Danish volunteers have been in the area.

They write also, that it is deemed unlikely that the six were to be become infected.

Cases of Lassa fever related to a hospital located in Tonkolili district in Sierra Leone.

so far, there is talk about a confirmed smittetilfælde as well as two suspected cases in the local area.

Both of the suspected cases have died.

There is no imposed restrictions in connection with travel and stay in Sierra Leone.

But the State Serum Institute writes that travelers should be aware of the risk of Lassa fever.

It is a viral disease that resembles ebola.

Lassa fever is contagious, however, not as easily as ebola, and the mortality rate is lower.

the Disease can be transmitted from a particular species of rat called mastomys.

It goes from human to human by close contact with blood, secretions, and fluids from sick people.