The true crime series “Dahmer – Monster: The Story of Jeffrey Dahmer” set a new milestone for the US launch: The Netflix hit was 3.66 billion minutes in the US in the week of September 19th to 25th long viewed. It was only available from September 21st. This is the result of figures from the company Nielsen for the USA, reported on by “The Hollywood Reporter”. Only the fourth season “Stranger Things” could surpass that in May with 5.14 billion streaming minutes in the debut week.
For comparison: from September 19 to 25, the Amazon Prime series “The Rings of Power” was watched for 977 million minutes in the USA. The HBO Max hit “House of the Dragon” was on for 1.01 billion minutes. In Germany, “Dahmer” is at the top of the Netflix series charts for the week from October 10th to 16th. This is followed by the debut seasons of The Watcher and The Midnight Club. Netflix ranks “Dahmer” as the second-biggest English-language series of all time in its first four weeks of release.
The murder series by “American Horror Story” creator Ryan Murphy (56) recaps the life of Jeffrey Dahmer (1960-1994), one of the most notorious serial killers of the 20th century. He is embodied in the Netflix production by Evan Peters (35). Between 1978 and 1991, Dahmer molested and murdered at least 17 young men. He performed cannibalistic acts on some victims. In 1994, a fellow inmate killed him in prison, where he was serving a multiple life sentence.
The series is quite controversial. On the Rotten Tomatoes platform, 57 percent of series critics rate them as good, and 84 percent of viewers see them positively. Massive criticism came mainly from relatives of the victims whose deaths are recreated in the series. These stated, for example, that they had to relive the painful memories.