Tote-Hosen frontman Campino (60) finds the Rose Monday parades okay despite the Ukraine war and the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. He himself will “certainly not go to the carnival to the extent that I like to do this year,” he said in an interview with the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday). “But I don’t want to dictate anything to anyone.”
There are people who “can’t be carefree now”, but also others for whom carnival is an outlet. “And if the Shrove Monday procession goes through the area and children enjoy it, that’s fine,” emphasized the punk rocker. “We can’t all condemn ourselves to a standstill.” But you can express sympathy – for example through donations.
The Toten Hosen are giving a benefit concert for the earthquake victims in Düsseldorf on February 24th. The Donots and Thees Uhlmann have pledged their support. All proceeds after deducting production costs go to the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders and Medico International. All musicians waive a fee. The city of Düsseldorf made the hall available for the concert free of charge.
February 24 is also the anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.